Development Tracks

IPS develops systems along three core tracks that overlap.


Application-Service Administration

Web-Application Infrastructure

Developer Tools


  • Admin of NIST-managed applications
    • OpenFire
    • Request Tracker
    • Touchstone
  • BrioWeb
  • ECM (Enterprise Content Mgmt)
  • Enterprise MySQL
  • Administration of managed application servers (Server Op liaison)
  • ISDA application-administration for MAP standard components
    • Configuration management/automation
  • Design of standard application-server components
    • AlFresco, Apache, SASHServer, PHP/Perl runtime, MySQL, WSRP Container (Portal), others
  • SOA: Web services, other data connector, development and support
  • SOA: Service bus, messaging, other features
  • Monitoring and Instrumentation of ISDA web systems (isda-console)
  • assist with integrating 3rd party applications into MIT identity infrastructure (Touchstone, Moira, Roles, etc)
  • Athena OS
  • MyEclipse support
  • Project Jumpstart
    • Maven, Bamboo, OpenGrok, SVN, Jira
  • Code-quality tools
    • JMeter, Stresstester
  • MAP Working Group facilitation
    • Continuous improvement of developer-support program
  • Developer Support: plan for assisting other teams in MAP implementation
    • Includes using standard components and services developed by the other two "tracks."


Brian Knoll: Application Administrator
Robert Basch: System Programmer

Hunter Heinlen: Application Administrator
Dave Tanner: SOA Developer

Andrew Boardman: System Programmer
Greg Hudson: System Programmer

Staff Roles

Application Administrator

  • Installation and configuration of web-application server platforms and database platforms for custom IS&T systems.
  • Installation and configuration of web-application products.
  • Server and network topology planning in conjunction with Server Operations or NIST.
  • Software development tasks focused on repeatable build and installation processes.
  • Service-level maintenance and liaison to Operations and Infrastructure Services (OIS)
  • Responsible to take developed systems out to a service-ready state.
  • Develop standard installation procedures for server applications that are part of the MIT Application Platform (MAP) and assist other MIT admins in their use.

SOA Developer

  • Software development focused on web services and ISDA's system to deliver a services-oriented architecture.
  • Abstraction of disparate back-end systems behind web-enabled connectors based on industry standards (SOAP, REST).
  • Development of instrumentation tools for the administration of ISDA's web-services environment.
  • Java for web services and other kinds of data connectors
  • C, C++ specifically to interface Java services with custom native libraries (JNI), where those libraries are specific to the web services environment
  • SOAP, REST, JMX, Axis, Acegi, Hibernate, Spring, other connector architectures
  • assist with integrating applications into MIT identity infrastructure

System Programmer

  • Research and development for new systems and services.
  • Design operational processes and test operational tools with Application Administrators.
  • System level programming for core operating systems and low-level applications.
  • Develop complex systems based on MAP standards to roll out to ISDA development and operational teams.
  • Develop and support off-standard application in C, C++, shell scripts (various), Perl
  • Integrate MAP software development tools into standard MIT environments.
  • Managers of build and deploy processes.
  • No labels

1 Comment

  1. For the System Programmer, I would consider adding responsibilities for  "development of virtualized applications and lab infrastructure"

    Instrumentation and sys management seems to be missing as well..