During testing QA and other team members can test and add issues to Jira.

  1. Before adding an issue, user should search to see if there's already an issue.
  2. If there are similar issues but slightly different, user should write up a new issue and Link it to the other issue.
  3. If user suspects the same root cause is causing multiple problems, user should Link issues with a note as such.
  4. Testers should be cautious about when to contact a developer about issues found. Contact should be made when encountering problems from a predetermined high priority area or major problems impacting testing. In general, testers should consult other testers to discuss problems before going to a developer. This is not to say developers should not be contacted, it's just to say to use caution and be wary of disrupting their work.

QA testing each release:

  1. Start by conducting a basic smoke test, quickly checking program functionality.
  2. Test issues noted in release notes, including a regression test of areas likely affected by the change.
  3. Then general regression or functionality testing of major areas.
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