Nd:YAG disks and rods. Nd:YAG is often used as a gain medium to produce coherent light at 1064 nm. Other emission lines are at 946, 1123, 1319, 1338, 1415 and 1444 nm. The 1064 nm laser output can be frequency converted to 532, 355, or 266 nm. The crystals can be pumped with flashlamps or with laser diodes near the absorption peak of Nd:YAG at 808 nm. The crystals below all are AR-coated for 1064 nm, and some are AR-coated for 808 nm.
Vendor: EksmaOptics
Specifications: 10 mm clear aperture, 2 mm thickness, AR-coated at 808 and 1064 nm.
Price: $560
Purchase Date: May 2020, by Nicholas Rivera
Current Location: 36-228
Vendor: EksmaOptics
Specifications: 10 mm clear aperture, 5 mm thickness, AR-coated at 808 and 1064 nm.
Price: $870
Purchase Date: May 2020, by Nicholas Rivera
Current Location: 36-228
Model: E-Y-3-0.9-A/A
Vendor: EksmaOptics
Specifications: https://eksmaoptics.com/out/media/EKSMA_Optics_NdYAG_Crystals.pdf (53 mm length, 3 mm diameter, AR-coated at 1064 nm only)
Price: $237
Purchase Date: May 2020, by Nicholas Rivera
Current Location: 36-228