Dual Degrees

Dual degree students come from established dual options with: MCP, MArch, and SMArchS Programs.

Application requirements can be found here: https://cre.mit.edu/education/masters-program/admissions/dual-degrees/

  • Internal dual degree applicants do not pay the application fee, but message the administrator of the OGE/SLATE process for a waiver code.

  • They must complete all requirements of both programs, courses cannot be double-counted. Only the thesis can count toward both programs.

  • They must submit a dual degree petition to the Registrar during their last year at MIT that outlines their course completion plan. This form is here: https://oge.mit.edu/wp-content/uploads/2022/05/PetitionForm-General-08-2021.pdf
    It is used for all sorts of petitions at the graduate level.

        • They fill in their bio information and in the second part indicate they are petitioning to be a dual degree student in X & Y programs. They sign at the bottom and send it to the admins of both programs.

        • The admins of both programs review their course completion plan to be sure all requirements are accounted for and then sign on the line for the Grad Admin(s). One of the admins then submits it to the Registrar.

        • During their final semester, they submit an updated petition form that includes all the classes they actually took, following the steps outlined in the prior two bullet points.

Grad Admins

DUSP: Ellen Rushman erushman@mit.edu

Architecture: Kateri Bertin kbertin@mit.edu



As of Fall 2023, Sloan was no longer supporting an MSRED/MBA dual degree

Main point-of-contact: Jenifer Marshall (jmars@mit.edu), Senior Associate Director, Curriculuar & Student Support, MBA. 

  • Sloan does not offer deferrals so if someone applies to both programs and is accepted to both, they would have to start in Sloan and defer the MSRED degree
  • The 2 degrees can't be pursued concurrently and any CRE courses they took would be applied to the Sloan degree.
  • You will find all materials related to the development of the dual option In the MSRED Dropbox-Dual Degrees: https://www.dropbox.com/sh/99t0t3u5srizovw/AACNfT9C17oLdmP8ebVaYCIXa?dl=0
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