Antoine Allanore was named the Thomas B. King Assistant Professor of Metallurgy in 2012; he uses the traditional discipline of metallurgy in innovative research in the areas of sustainable materials production and electrochemical materials processing---his research continues DMSE's strength in materials manufacturing while addressing new areas of great societal impact. 

Professor Allanore holds the chemical engineer diploma from the Ecole Nationale Supérieure des Industries Chimiques, Nancy, France, and the M.Sc. and Ph.D. from the Institut National Polytechnique de Lorraine, Nancy, France. He has just completed a post-doc with Professor Don Sadoway’s group. He says, “My research goal is the development of sustainable materials extraction and manufacturing processes. Most major mining and metallurgical processes are more than 100 years old, developed at a time of limited awareness of their environmental impact and the issue of resource limitations. These two issues are covered nowadays by the term ‘sustainability’, which also encompasses a cost metric when applied to primary materials. Unfortunately, all the easy problems limiting the operational as well as environmental costs of metals extraction and manufacturing have been solved, and innovative approaches are needed to cope with both globalization and earth intrinsic limitations.”

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