Although Click to Speak is a fairly stable and bug-free program, there are occasional issues that may cause the editor to crash or exhibit unwanted behavior. We recommend that you save your work regularly.

  • Slider error: Occasionally on load or while editing text, a slider object will report an error, causing the program to crash. This is quite rare, and only seems to happen early in the program's operation.
  • Loading a save file to the editor which contains many sounds, or transferring a node tree between the orphan and main tabs containing many nodes with audio may take a long time to process. To avoid this, games can be written without sound, adding the audio and setting the breakpoints as the last step. However, this slowdown should only occur when loading and when moving large trees between tabs; it does not affect normal operation of the editor.
  • Clicking "Run in Click to Speak Player" under the "Tools" menu in the editor does not work when the program is initially installed. See Installing Click To Speak#Optional for instructions on manually fixing this issue.
  • The background music, timeout prompt, and game over audio are not currently functional in the player. This functionality may be added at a later date.
  • No labels