For desktop

cd ~/
mkdir hoverland
cd hoverland
git clone hover-kayak
hover-kayak/code/scripts/ . -j4 -ap
hover-kayak/code/scripts/ . -j4 -ap
hover-kayak/code/scripts/ . -j4 --ubuntu-dep
cd hover-kayak/code
./ -j4 -ap

Matlab and mex-moos

Use your MIT account to download matlab from the mathworks website.  Run the installer as root and answer yes when prompted to create symbolic links.  To install mex-moos:

cd ~/hoverland/moos
git clone mex-moos
cd mex-moos
cmake .
make -j2

This first make will download and build a private moos installing for mex-moos to use.  Run cmake and make again to build mex-moos itself:

make -j2

The mex-moos executable will be built in the current directory as mexmoos.mexa64.  To add this directory to the path, first make the pathdef.m file modifiable by all users:

sudo chmod 666 /usr/local/MATLAB/R2014b/toolbox/local/pathdef.m

Now you should be able to launch matlab, add the mex-moos directory to the path, and save the new path.  

For vehicles

If not already set in your bashrc file, set the compiler to distcc and provide hosts. 

export CC=/usr/lib/distcc/arm-linux-gnueabi-gcc-4.7
export CXX=/usr/lib/distcc/arm-linux-gnueabi-g++-4.7

Check out only the hovergroup svn directories we need:

cd ~/
mkdir hoverland
cd hoverland
svn checkout --depth=immediates hovergroup

cd hovergroup
svn update --set-depth=exclude *
svn update --set-depth=infinity code missions third-party

Build everything

cd ~/hoverland
hovergroup/code/marine/scripts/ --vehicle
hovergroup/code/marine/scripts/ . -j4 -ap --vehicle
hovergroup/code/marine/scripts/ . -j4 -ap --vehicle
hovergroup/code/marine/scripts/ . -j4 --debian-dep
cd hovergroup/code/marine
./ -j4 -ap --vehicle
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