General Things To Do:

  • practice transfection with constitutive expression of YFP and inducible expression of YFP
  • put sources and people contacted on the wiki 


Subgroup Specific:

Antibody Group: 

  • look into other antibodies (preferably 4 different antibodies) to use for control experiments
  • talk to Valia about tuning TEV protease
  • look into having a positive control to show that TEV protease is working 
  • Add transcription factor and TEV cleavage site to diagram 
  • Look into making the antibody receptor constitutively active i.e. not dependent on beta-amyloid binding (for experimental purposes)

Receptor Group: 

  • look into how to turn gblock into an entry vector 
  • cells expressing GFP are pretty and not to hard to make 

miRNA Group:

  • team up with Jeremy to work on creating miRNA sensors 
  • if we end up working on neurons, then we can use protein indicators of neuronal activity which would be really cool 




  • No labels