Subgroup Specific:
- Contact Jake Beal about construction of miRNA sensors
- Look into cell lines
- we already have: HEK293, Cho, Hela, ovarian cancer cells, breast cancer cells
- Ask Samira about what cell lines she is thinking of getting
- Get more information about the miRNA
- Ensure that the profile is exactly the one you want in preparation for ordering
- Anaspec contacted about getting a smaller BACE2 assay kit; they said they do not scale down the kit
- Look into getting kit at a discounted price
- Practice LR reaction done in preparation for working with BACE2
- Talk to someone about making miRNA for BACE1 inhibition (Samira or Kyle)
- Gblocks ordered
- Ran through experimentation with Brian - experimental procedure "finalized'
- More research to be done about family of proteins that appear to be recruited
- Look into other sources of Igm so that experimentation can be started earlier
- Josh Leonard Northwestern - talk to him about the cell surface receptors he is working on
- Put plasmids into parts list
- Parts list - look at last year's method of sorting
- Put plasmids on to that list
Plasmid Progress: on Parts List by 3pm:
- miRNA:
- meeting with Jeremy about plasmids for high and low sensors
- Treatment:
- waiting BACE2 + primers
- looking into BACE1 plasmids (pENTR and miRNA)
- TRE + BACE2 plasmid
- BACE2-YFP pENTR (C terminal fusion designed, N terminal fusion should be easy to design)
- Notes
- intronic w/ mKate
- U6 promoter
- U6 teto promoter regulated with tetR
- Antibodies:
- Gantenerumab (Gmab): we have heavy and light chain gBlocks
- CD79A/B: we have pENTR
- Reporter circuit: we have from Valia
- Lyn: we have pENTR
- Look into point mutating it for autophosphorylation
- EYFP fusion
- Syk: we have pENTR
- look into point mutating it
- fusion with EYFP and TEVp
- TEV related plasmids that we have (talk to Nevin):
- Gal4UAS-mKate
- Hef1a-rtTa
- TRE-Syk-TEVp
- G-mab heavy chain - Tcs - Gal4VP16 fusion being designed
- CD79A/B - Tcs - Gal4VP16 being designed
- Receptors:
- Have: pENTR: LilrB2, PirB, Hef1a
- Designed: LilrB2/PirB-EBFP