Subgroup Specific
- Worked on making primers for fusions
- will go over them with Brian
- We think that the problem with our cultures is the plates - we will transform again and replate on the plates we made yesterday
- HEK293 transfection - flow cytometry, FACS and take pictures
- scheduling the flow cytometer is hard we need to ask Brian to book the cytometer Thursday afternoon or Friday morning
- Finish circuit for high-sensor
- Try to stay away from genome integration - time consuming
- Primers for BACE1/2 YFP fusions re-designed
- PCR run with old primers - gel didn't work
- Contacted Samira - she said to talk to Jeremy
- NEGEM starts at 11 - we will have our morning meeting and head to BU at 10-10.15
- James is meeting with Nevin about funding in preparation for starting fundraising