Updates to the working emission model for N132D should be included here.


  File Modified
PDF File N132D.pdf How the N132D model was originally derived. Presentation given at the 2012 WG meeting Mar 26, 2015 19:26 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
Text File n132d_xis_obs20100727_v2p10_linenorms.txt Suzaku XIS line norms using v2.10 of the model, data file, obs 2010-07-27 Mar 24, 2017 09:18 by Eric D Miller
PDF File n132d_xis_allobs_v2p10_spectra.pdf Suzaku XIS spectra fit with v2.10 of the model, free line norms, all observations Mar 24, 2017 09:17 by Eric D Miller
PDF File n132d_xis_allobs_v2p10_linenorms.pdf Suzaku XIS line norms history using v2.10 of the model, all observations Mar 24, 2017 09:18 by Eric D Miller
File N132D_E212_v1.0_20110439.xcm Version 1.0. XSPEC-based model of the EPIC-pn, Large Window, MEDIUM filter, N132D 2-12 keV spectrum Mar 28, 2012 09:28 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0310_v2.9_20150402_simple.mdl v2.9 model, just the model Apr 17, 2015 11:43 by plucinsky_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0310_v2.9_20150402_all.mdl Version 2.9 from Paul, this fits much better in the 0.3-1.5 keV range and the fit is only slightly worse in the 1.5-3.5 keV range compared to v2.8. I suggest this model is good enough to determine line normalizations in the 1.5-3.5 keV bandpass. Apr 02, 2015 16:07 by plucinsky_1@touchstonenetwork.net
PDF File N132D_E0310_v2.9_20150402_1.5_3.5_0.3_10.0.pdf Version 2.9 overplotted on the pn and MOS spectra, first page shows 0.3-10.0 keV and second page shows 1.5-3.5 keV. Apr 02, 2015 16:08 by plucinsky_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0310_v2.8_20150401_simple.mdl Version 2.8 of the model with parameters for one spectrum instead of for multiple data sets Mar 09, 2017 11:43 by plucinsky_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0310_v2.8_20150401_dev.mdl Version 2.8 from Paul, optimized for the energy range 1.5-3.5 keV but fits poorly in the 0.3-1.5 keV range Apr 02, 2015 16:05 by plucinsky_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0310_v2.7_20150324.mdl Paul changed the Si XIII and S XV triplets to have four lines with the ratios of f,i,r expected for CIE with kT=1.2 keV, added a Si line at 2.294 keV, and reduced the widths of the Si and S lines. Apr 01, 2015 11:16 by plucinsky_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0310_v2.6_20140511_frozen.mdl Version 2.6 with all the parameters frozen. Main changes from 2.5: a) an overall normalization constant was added; b) abund wilm May 13, 2014 07:21 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0310_v2.14_20210511.mdl Martin reformatted the v2.13 model to be more logical and added lines. This is an intermediate model. The high energy component (kT=5.47 keV) should be identical to the v2.13 model. All the changes should be at low energies. Jul 21, 2021 10:00 by plucinsky_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0310_v2.13_20210421.mdl Fixed corrupted 1.5 keV line flux, reset global norm to 1, zeroed neutral Fe K line, fit Ca XIX 3.9 keV flux, froze all components, cleaned things up. Apr 22, 2021 14:49 by Eric D Miller
File N132D_E0310_v2.12_20200324.mdl Added neutral 6.4 keV, Fe XXV K-beta: 7.88 keV and Ni XXVII: 7.78 keV. Cross-norm is set for NuSTAR 0.75. Apr 15, 2020 15:45 by bwgref_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0310_v2.11b_20190806.mdl Updated with third Gaussian for FeXXV triplet, 5.7 keV nlapec, with parameter fits from Suzaku FI CCDs. Aug 13, 2019 14:17 by Eric D Miller
File N132D_E0310_v2.11_20180406.mdl Version 2.11 of the model, I updated the APEC version to v3.0.9 in the model file. You need to make sure you have these files, they are included in the XSPEC 12.10.0 release. Apr 06, 2018 13:58 by plucinsky_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0310_v2.10_20170319.mdl Version 2.10 of the model, I replaced the APEC no-line model with the "nlapec", I switched to APEC v3.0.8, and I removed the power-law component that was there as a crude background model Mar 20, 2017 16:24 by plucinsky_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0212_v2.5_20140425.mdl Update following the 8th IACHEC. A feature at 2.6255 keV (SXVI) was added Apr 25, 2014 05:48 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0212_v2.5_20140425_zoomSXVI.ps Application of v2.5 to the PN spectrum (SW/Thin) in the 2.3-2.9 keV energy range (SXVI); minimum S/N ratio equal to 10. To be compared to: https://wikis.mit.edu/confluence/download/attachments/75637213/N132D_E0212_v2.4_20120530_PN_zoomSXVI.ps?api=v2 Apr 25, 2014 05:48 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0212_v2.4_20120530.mdl Update following the 7th IACHEC discussion: a) photoelectric absorption split in a Galactic and a local component, the latter with abundances after Blair et al. 2000; b) "xsect vern"; c) soft/hard APEC constrained by RGS/PN only Jun 01, 2012 09:09 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0212_v2.4_20120530_RGS.ps Application of v.2.4 to the RGS spectrum (minimum S/N ratio equal to 10) Jun 01, 2012 09:10 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0212_v2.4_20120530_PN.ps Application of v2.4 to the PN spectrum (SW/Thin); minimum S/N ratio equal to 10 Jun 01, 2012 09:11 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0212_v2.4_20120530_PN_zoomSXVI.ps Application of v2.4 to the PN spectrum (SW/Thin) in the 2.3-2.9 keV energy range (SXVI); minimum S/N ratio equal to 10 Jun 01, 2012 09:12 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
Text File N132D_E0212_v2.3.3_20120324.txt Version 2.3.3, Text file with the complete line idnetification according to the ATOMDB nomenclature Mar 28, 2012 15:44 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0212_v2.3.3_20120324_PN_RGSLinesFrozen.mdl Version 2.3.3, PN_RGSLinesFrozen flavour. Changes from 2.3.2: a) S XV (13 1) line added Mar 28, 2012 15:35 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0212_v2.3.2_20120324_PN_RGSLinesFrozen.mdl Version 2.3.2, PN_RGSLinesFrozen flavour. Changes from 2.3.1: a) S XVI (3,4 1) line added Mar 28, 2012 15:05 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0212_v2.3.1_20120324_PN_RGSLinesFrozen.mdl Version 2.3.1, PN_RGSLinesFrozen flavour. Changes from 2.3: a) SiXIII(13,1) transition added; b) high-energy line widths = 0 Mar 28, 2012 09:26 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
GIF File N132D_E0212_v2.3.1_20120324_PN_RGSLinesFrozen.gif Data (upper panel) and residuals in units of data/model ratio (lower panel) when N132D_E0212_v2.3.1_20120324_PN_RGSLinesFrozen.mdl is applied to the EPIC-pn spectrum Mar 28, 2012 09:33 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0212_v2.3_20120324_RGS.mdl Version 2.3, RGS flavour: High-energy components frozen to the best-fit EPIC-pn values Mar 28, 2012 09:24 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
GIF File N132D_E0212_v2.3_20120324_RGS.gif Data (upper panel) and residuals in units of data/model ratio (lower panel) when N132D_E0212_v2.3_20120324_RGS.mdl is applied to the RGS spectra Mar 28, 2012 09:31 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0212_v2.3_20120324_PN.mdl Version 2.3, PN flavour: Line width and energies in the RGS band frozen to the RGS values Mar 28, 2012 09:23 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
GIF File N132D_E0212_v2.3_20120324_PN.gif Data (upper panel) and residuals in units of data/model ratio (lower panel) when N132D_E0212_v2.3_20120324_PN.mdl is applied to the EPIC-pn spectrum Mar 28, 2012 09:32 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File N132D_E0212_v2.3_20120324_PN_RGSLinesFrozen.mdl Version 2.3, PN_RGSLinesFrozen flavour: Line width, energies and normlizations in the RGS band frozen to the RGS values Mar 28, 2012 09:25 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File n132d_afoster_suzuki_vrnei_20210420.mdl "Physical" model for N132D that uses the Suzuki et al. 2020 model based on the RGS data for the low energy part of the spectrum and a vrnei component for the high energy part of the spectrum based on Adam Foster's fits to the pn and MOS data May 06, 2021 10:33 by plucinsky_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File f_N132D_E0310_v2.6_20140511.ps Spectra (upper panel) and residuals in units of data/model ratio (lower panel) when v2.6 is applied to the EPIC-pn and RGS spectra used to generate it May 13, 2014 07:21 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
GIF File EPICpnN132D_vs_EPICpnFWCLW.gif EPIC-pn: N132D versus instrumental background spectrum Mar 28, 2012 09:28 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
GIF File EPICpnN132D_HardEnergyModel.gif Data (upper panel) and residuals in units of data/model ratio (lower panel) when N132D_E212_v1.0_20110439.xcm is applied to the EPIC-pn spectrum Mar 28, 2012 09:30 by matteo.guainazzi_1@touchstonenetwork.net
File all3_N132D_E0310_v2.7_20150324.ps Version 2.7 overplotted on the merged pn, and MOS1, MOS2 spectra Apr 01, 2015 11:18 by plucinsky_1@touchstonenetwork.net
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