Andrew Yu, Matthew Sullivan, Becky Heiser, Chris Gresham, Chris Murphy,
Chuck King,
Stan Diamond from Broad
Add: chris
chris murphy
Adjust Wiki access for Becky and Chuck
Chris G. check the training schedule
Potential Issue:
Firmware Update
SDK Release
How to Use
Known Issues
How to Check
Email Configure
Email Use
TechTime (Safari)
Wi-Fi Setup
People Directory
(How to Use: wild cards)
Initial Activation:
Note that the iPhone is only an indiviaully liable device
iTunes (screenshots)
Documentation (for converting from one phone to another phone)
Chris M: TechTime Calendar Sync using OraCal2iCal/iTunes
Chuck K: TechTime Web Client (Screenshot)
Becky: Terminology (Documentation)
Scott Jensen: MIT People Directory Instructions, FAQ
Chris M: T-Mobile HotSpot Issues
Sign up for T-Mobile HotSpot account for SWRT.
Next Meeting: Tuesday (11/20/07)