Mike B's set

squish for the web: http://www.froglogic.com/products/evaluate.php

Lisa TEST: http://www.itko.com/products/lisatest.jsp

AppPerfect Web Test: http://www.appperfect.com/products/app-test.html

Selenium: http://seleniumhq.org/

Felicia's set

Watij - http://watij.com/

TestMaker - http://www.pushtotest.com/

Sahi - http://sahi.co.in/w/

Yawet - http://www.informatrix.ch/indexYWT.html

Ed's Set

Yui Test with Selenium driver

Alex's Set

Sean's Set

Dave's Set

Tools that emulate a browser

Yawet (all OS's that support Java)

Tools that make record a user journey in browser and then let the tester modify the test

Yui Test


Func Unit



Tools that use existing browsers but force the user to write code for each test
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