This page will hold the output of the SPENVIS runs to generate the predicted damage.

  File Modified
ZIP Archive spenvis_20140206.tar.gz All Suzaku SPENVIS stuff Feb 06, 2014 13:18 by Eric D Miller
Text File spenvis_suzaku_2008_orbit_coords.txt Suzaku 2008 orbit data file Feb 06, 2014 13:20 by Eric D Miller
PDF File spenvis_suzaku_2008_trapped_report.pdf Suzaku 2008 trapped report Feb 06, 2014 13:21 by Eric D Miller
Text File spenvis_suzaku_2008_trapped_fluxpe_ave.txt Suzaku 2008 trapped average flux p+e Feb 06, 2014 13:21 by Eric D Miller
Text File spenvis_suzaku_2008_trapped_specp_orbit.txt Suzaku 2008 trapped p flux vs. time Feb 06, 2014 13:22 by Eric D Miller
Text File spenvis_suzaku_2008_gcr_flux.txt Suzaku 2008 GCR spectrum data file Feb 06, 2014 13:24 by Eric D Miller
PDF File spenvis_suzaku_2013_orbit_report.pdf Suzaku 2013 orbit report Feb 06, 2014 13:24 by Eric D Miller
Text File spenvis_suzaku_2013_orbit_coords.txt Suzaku 2013 orbit data file Feb 06, 2014 13:25 by Eric D Miller
Text File spenvis_suzaku_2013_trapped_fluxpe_ave.txt Suzaku 2013 trapped average flux p+e Feb 06, 2014 13:25 by Eric D Miller
Text File spenvis_suzaku_2013_trapped_specp_orbit.txt Suzaku 2013 trapped p flux vs. time Feb 06, 2014 13:26 by Eric D Miller
PDF File spenvis_suzaku_2013_trapped_report.pdf Suzaku 2013 trapped report Feb 06, 2014 13:26 by Eric D Miller
Text File spenvis_suzaku_2013_gcr_flux.txt Suzaku 2013 GCR spectrum data file Feb 06, 2014 13:27 by Eric D Miller
File spenvis_suzaku_2008_fluxcomb.dat Suzaku 2008 combined data file for SM Feb 06, 2014 13:28 by Eric D Miller
File spenvis_suzaku_2013_fluxcomb.dat Suzaku 2013 combined data file for SM Feb 06, 2014 13:28 by Eric D Miller
File fluxcomb.mac Suzaku combined spectrum SM macro Feb 06, 2014 13:29 by Eric D Miller
PDF File fluxcomb.pdf Suzaku combined spectrum plot PDF Feb 06, 2014 13:29 by Eric D Miller
PDF File spenvis_suzaku_2008_orbit_report.pdf Suzaku 2008 orbit report Feb 06, 2014 13:30 by Eric D Miller

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