Multi-component Industrial or Marine Paints and Coatings

This activity is listed as:


Red tools are high-risk tools/technologies that are generally only allowed to be worked with on campus in a controlled environment with proper supervision and support.  Red tool use in remote making is not permitted unless there are extraordinary circumstances and measures in place.  To receive authorization to use a red tool, a faculty member must make a request on the student’s behalf to  Project Manus and MIT EHS will then discuss the situation with the faculty member and student assess the situation.  Permission to use red tools will be very rare.


Minimum required PPE and precautions (more may be required based on circumstance)

  • Safety glasses

  • Gloves

  • Long pants and closed toed shoes

  • Fit-tested respirator with approved cartridges

  • Protective garment

Most important safety considerations (issues, resources, advice, warnings)

  • Send the manufacturer’s Safety Data Sheet (SDS) to EHS for review

Most important considerations in the use of the tool/technology (issues, resources, advice, warnings)

  • N/A

Links or info about video/images and complementary or alternative tools/tech to consider

  • Sanding

Forms and contact information required to obtain approval to use this technology/tools