Installation Options

FMP interfaces may placed on each user computer, or shared via FMP Server.  For either case, follow the directions below :

FMP Interface Installation Files

The following files are needed to install eSG Filemaker Pro interfaces:

  1. FMP installation files (Win or Mac), updates, licenses
  2. eSG FMP interfaces (latest versions)
  3. ODBC driver - Win: or Mac:
  4. FTPeek plugin (Win or Mac), licenses - []

FMP Installation Steps

1. Install ODBC Driver on each user computer

2. Add ODBC Data Source(s) to each user computer ( you'll need to go through this twice, once for 'proposal_cycle_2' (RFP database) and once for 'mitsg' (PM database) )


   Go -> Utilities -> ODBC Administrator
         System DSN
              Add->Actual Open Source Database
                  License Key: #########################
                  Check for updates
              Data Source Name: proposal_cycle_2 (for RFP data source), mitsg (for PM data source)
              DSN Type: System
              Description: proposal_cycle_2 (for RFP data source), mitsg (for PM data source)
              Database Type: MySQL
              Server: #####
              Port: 3306
              Checkbox 'Yes':  "Connect to server to obtain default settings…"
              Login ID: fmpuser3cc / Password: *ask*
              Database: proposal_cycle or mitsg



   Windows (64-bit) : Start -> Run [C:\Windows\SysWoW64\Odbcad32.exe]
   Windows (32-bit) : Start -> Control Panel -> Administrative Tools -> Data Sources (ODBC)
         System DSN
              Add->MySQL ODBC #.# Driver->Finish
              Data Source Name: proposal_cycle_2 (for RFP data source), mitsg (for PM data source)
              Description: proposal_cycle_2 (for RFP data source), mitsg (for PM data source)
              Server: #####
              Port: 3306
              User: fmpuser3cc / Password: *ask*
              Database: proposal_cycle or mitsg
              Details > Connection: check 'Allow multiple statements'

3. Install Filemaker Pro on each user computer

4. Install FTPeek plugin on each user computer

    Copy appropriate plugin from folder '360Works+FTPeek-#' to 'extensions' folder of Filemaker Pro

5. Register FTPeek plugin on each user computer

    Open Filemaker Pro
    Filemaker Pro -> Preferences -> Plug-Ins
    select '360Works FTPeek' -> configure
    Registered to: ##############################
    License key: #####

6. Clean-up installation files

7. Copy eSG FMP interfaces to user computer or FMP Server

    If copying to FMP Server :

  • Each interface hosted on FMP Server will need to be configured for FMP network sharing via File > Sharing > Filemaker Network.
  • To access the interfaces, users will open FMP and select one of the hosted interfaces via File > Open Remote...


FMP Configuration Variables

These variables must be set as part of the initial installation of the eSeaGrant system,
BEFORE any eSG FMP interfaces are actually used.



These variables are managed via the RFP FMP layout "FMP Administration > RFP FMP Config"

domainURL of host website (e.g.
ftp_domainURL of host server (e.g.
SFTP_loginUsername that FMP uses to transfer files via SFTP
SFTP_passwdPassword that FMP uses to transfer files via SFTP
home_folder_pathAbsolute path of home folder on host server (e.g. /var/https/htdocs)
subcontract_PI_idinvestigators::id value corresponding to SG Program Director
subcontract_granteeHost institution for SG program (e.g. Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
grantee_inst_shortHost institution acronym for SG program (e.g. MIT)
sg_programSG program (e.g. MIT Sea Grant)
sg_program_shortSG program acronym (e.g. MITSG)
eSG_folder_pathPath to eSG system folder from home folder (e.g. /RFP/proposals/ - note slashes)
PM_project_folder_pathPath to eSG project folders from home folder (e.g. Documents/Online_Project_Folders/ - note slashes)
PM_project_resumes_pathPath to eSG project user resumes from home folder (e.g. Documents/Resumes/ - note slashes)
current_FY_global(Current Omnibus Cycle) Sets what the RFP FMP interface assumes to be the beginning funding year of the current omnibus cycle, for generating 90-2s, Overall 90-4s, etc. This is used to filter-out old funding year data from this type of form.
8192_char_limitToggle that allows each program to limit a specific set of textarea input boxes to 8192 characters. This addresses a conflict between Filemaker Pro and the MySQL ODBC connect script for Windows that causes text columns of greater than 8192 characters to appear truncated when viewed in Filemaker Pro for Windows. eSG programs that use Filemaker Pro via the Windows OS extensively should set this toggle to 1 and impose this limit.
US_time_zoneThe US time zone in which the webserver resides, and that the web forms think they are located in. This doesn't apply to the database - MySQL timestamps will still reflect the PHP / MySQL server timezone configuration, which should be considered when viewing record date/time data.
ICODEICODE pertaining to SG program



These variables are managed via the PM FMP layout "FMP Administration > PM FMP Config"

domainURL of host website (e.g.
ftp_domainURL of host server (e.g.
SFTP_loginUsername that FMP uses to transfer files via SFTP
SFTP_passwdPassword that FMP uses to transfer files via SFTP
home_folder_pathAbsolute path of home folder on host server (e.g. /var/https/htdocs)
sg_programSG program - short (e.g. MIT Sea Grant)
sg_program_shortSG program acronym (e.g. MITSG)
sg_program_longSG program - long (e.g. MIT Sea Grant College Program)
eSG_folder_pathPath to eSG home folder (e.g. /RFP/proposals/)
8192_char_limitToggle that allows each program to limit a specific set of textarea input boxes to 8192 characters. This addresses a conflict between Filemaker Pro and the MySQL ODBC connect script for Windows that causes text columns of greater than 8192 characters to appear truncated when viewed in Filemaker Pro for Windows. eSG programs that use Filemaker Pro via the Windows OS extensively should set this toggle to 1 and impose this limit.
SG Program AddressThe official address for the host SG program, for use in reporting coverpages and other reports
Program ID Scheme

(Publications) The naming scheme for publication records

For example:

Right ( MEDIA::PUB_YEAR ; 2 ) & "-" & If (MEDIA::program_ID_int<10;"0") & MEDIA::program_ID_int

would generate publication a Program ID of '14-09' for the 9th publication of 2014

Pub Naming Scheme

(Publications) The naming scheme for publication files

For example:

$$prgm_prefix &"_" & MEDIA::program_ID

would generate publication filename of 'MITSG_14-09' for the 9th MITSG publication of 2014

US_time_zoneThe US time zone in which the webserver resides, and that the web forms think they are located in. This doesn't apply to the database - MySQL timestamps will still reflect the PHP / MySQL server timezone configuration, which should be considered when viewing record date/time data.

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