These tables support drop-down lists and other option sets throughout the system, and require management upon eSeaGrant installation. Certain tables require regular maintenance (e.g. Funding Years).


whatwhere manageddescription
Award NumbersRFP FMPGrant/Award numbers applied to proposals to be funded
Budget TypesRFP FMPe.g. on-campus, off-campus, etc.
Email TemplatesRFP FMPtemplates used for FMP Email Tool
Focus AreasRFP FMPlist of program Focus Areas with associated Strategic Plans (should reconcile with NSGO Focus Area records)
Folder PathsRFP FMPeach record's 'folder' value is actually a label for referring to a corresponding path related to the SG program's home folder. (e.g. resumes)
Funding YearsRFP FMPFunding Year durations and IDC rates
Institutions and AffiliationsRFP FMPgroomed list that drives Institutions and Affiliations drop-downs in RFP web and FMP interfaces; "display in list?" toggle affects display of record in web form lists. See Omnibus Preparation (Investigator Affiliations) for additional information regarding the use of this table.
NSGO classificationsRFP FMPlist of NSGO classifications
Reviewer RatingsRFP FMPrating options for reviewer evaluation
Reviewer TypesRFP FMPincludes some program specific reviewer types used for committees, panels, etc. (note required types)


whatwhere manageddescription
AwardsPM FMPgroomed list that drives Award drop-down in PM FMP
Email TemplatesPM FMPtemplates used for FMP Email Tool
Focus AreasPM FMPlist of program Focus Areas with associated Strategic Plans (should reconcile with NSGO Focus Area records)
Folder PathsPM FMPeach record's 'folder' value is actually a label for referring to a corresponding path related to the SG program's home folder. (e.g. resumes, publications, etc.)
Institutions and AffiliationsPM FMPgroomed list that drives Affiliation drop-downs in RFP web and FMP interfaces
NSGO ClassificationsPM FMPlist of NSGO classifications
Partner ScalesPM FMPlist that drives corresponding drop-down in reporting interfaces
Partner TypesPM FMPlist that drives corresponding drop-down in reporting interfaces
Project TypesPM FMPgroomed list that drives Project Types drop-down in PM FMP; linked to Sponsors via 'sort' field
Publication TypesPM FMPgroomed list that drives Publication Type drop-downs in PM web and FMP interfaces
Publication Types - ProgramPM FMPgroomed list that drives Publication Type - Program drop-downs in PM web and FMP interfaces
Reporting PeriodsPM FMPstart and end dates for all reporting periods utilized in the web reporting interface; NSGO upload date marks activation of next reporting period
Reporting FrequenciesPM FMPoptions for frequency of report solicitation per project
SG Program DepartmentsPM FMPprogram-specific departments for managing employee records (in Users table)
SponsorsPM FMPgroomed list that drives Sponsors drop-down in PM FMP
Student Degree TypesPM FMPgroomed list that drives Student Degree Type drop-downs in PM web and FMP interfaces
TopicsPM FMPgroomed list of Topics applicable to project-related records



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