eSeaGrant features a built-in versioning system for ensuring that all users access only the most recent version.

To version an eSeaGrant FMP interface:

As Super-Admin, go to the 'FMP Versioning' layout of the interface you wish to version, and click 'Version'.  Upon clicking this button,...

  • A copy of the FMP interface being versioned is saved to the same folder as the original, using the following naming convention:  prgm_prefix_<"PM" or "RFP">_<current date>.fp7 (e.g. "MITSG_RFP_13_June_2014.fp7")
  • The new copy is uploaded to the server, into the eSG system folder 'FMP_versions'.
  • The database is updated to reflect the new FMP version.

It's recommended that old versions be either deleted or moved to an archive.

  • If FMP interfaces are being shared via FMP Server, users will simply access the newest available version.
  • Otherwise, users will be prompted to download the new version when attempting to open an old version. 



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1 Comment

  1. (note originally added by Roberto Chavez, CA SG - Dec 12, 2012)

    CASG experiences with versioning interfaces on their FMP Server:

    • Before loading new version, add any additional program accounts/passwords to new FMP interface.
    • Make sure that all relevant privilege sets can view interface with "fmapp" access.
    • Ideally, new version name should already be added in "FMP Versioning" table in FMP interface, but it can also be added directly through phpMyAdmin interface or MySQL command line. If the file name is not present as the newest item in "FMP Versioning", the new interface will not open.
    • Update scripts on any switchboards used to open FMP interface. Make sure newest file name is used.
    • Use FMS Admin console to close old FMP interface to prevent confusion
    • For added safety, remove old FMP interface from FileMaker server
      • (on OS X) using Terminal, log into machine hosting FileMaker server
      • on command line, enter "/usr/bin/fmsadmin REMOVE 'old_FMP_interface_name'"
      • when asked for account, enter username & password used with FMS Admin console, not username/password used to log into machine