Meeting #1: Define key questions/considerations the Open 2020 Working Group should address. Who is missing? Work products?

Team: Peter B. Kaufman, Ryan Merkley, Hal Plotkin

Who is missing:

As possible guests / members:

  • Larry Kramer, President, Hewlett Foundation (perhaps we can time the third WG meeting at Hewlett with an invitation to him to visit with us!)
  • Safiya Umoja Noble, author, Algorithms of Oppression: How Search Engines Reinforce Racism
  • Jay Rosen, NYU - also for the journalism connection -
  • Charlie Nesson, Berkman Klein Center & Harvard Law
  • Jelani Cobb, The New Yorker -
  • danah boyd - Data & Society - Her amazing talk on trust and the media  
  • Anasuya Sengupta - (or anyone of her colleagues there)
  • Nancy MacLean, Duke University - author of Democracy in Chains 
  • Maciej Cegłowski, Pinboard 
  • Yochai Benkler, Harvard Law School -

Work products:


  • Case studies on massive untruths that correlate to university knowledge that could be made available to counter them
  • White papers on the challenges this group can help address and some solutions
  • Interviews with members/possible guests on video or audio or in text
  • A kind of public commission down the road on the future of truth, akin to the Carnegie Commission launched in the wake of Newton Minow's 1961 "vaste wasteland" speech



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