The sound booth is a sound attenuating booth, meaning that it will not block out external noise completely (HVAC humming, loud talking, etc.). With the door closed, it should be a quiet enough environment for high quality audio recording.

Basic set-up:

  • Lamp
    • There is an incandescent lamp inside the booth. Please turn the lamp off when you are done using the booth.  (There is also a fluorescent light, with a switch next to the door. This currently doesn't work, but if you'd like to try to diagnose what's going wrong, ask Adam for the details!)
  • Present items to read
    • Low-tech: there is a stand that you can use, to hold a printed page
    • Higher tech: there is a monitor and keyboard, connected to the iMac on the table outside the booth. You can use these to present stimuli in electronic formats (PDF, Powerpoint, web page, Psyscope, etc.)
  • Mic: There are two microphones to choose from
    • Head-word mic (best choice for most purposes)
    • Table-top mic
  • Recording
    • Use the USBPre and computer directly outside the booth to record sound from the mics
  • No labels