Class Meetings typically happen every week, and to some extent what gets covered depends on what the class needs. Here's when things typically happen and ideas of what to talk about, in addition to taking any questions the class has.
Note: As far as I can tell, class meetings didn't happen every week in the past. Class meetings often cover important information and give you a chance to get to know them. However, giving the class time to watch club tips and rounds and spend time with club members is also good. Don't feel as if you need to fill all 25 minutes with content or review.
Approximate Schedule:
Week 1 - intro to square dancing, go over handout (see Week 1)
Week 2- teach swing (usually Andy does this)
~Week 8 - plan for class dance
~Week 10 - check name spelling/nicknames before badge order is placed
Week 12 or 13 - Rounds talk (rounds coordinator does this for 5 minutes)
Week 11-14 - hack tips (be clear that they're optional, and should be fun)
Other things to cover each semester:
Handholds (week 2, and later as often as necessary)
- left hand down, right hand up so any gender combo can hold hands (but this isn't that important)
- give weight
- no thumbs or tight grips
- hands down styling
- hand holds for letting go (especially when they learn swing thru)
Formations (sometime in the middle, or repeatedly)
- hand out formation sheet
- go often formations they know so far
- consider following up with the formations brainteaser in the next email
Square recovery (two weeks in a row is good for this, approx week 4)
- finding a hole and filling it
- keep dancing
- give weight; introduction to hand signals
- making lines
- letting go (swing thru)
- precise facing direction
- hold hands to identify formation
Flourishes (don't teach a flourish until the class is good at the call, introduce them one at a time)
- Right & Left Grand (week 4/5)
- Weave the Ring
- Dosado
- Grand Square
- Promenade Halfway
- Square Thru (only teach this if the class is strong)
Scootback (only teach this if the class is strong)
Singer Lecture (approx week 6) either talk about the structure yourself, or get someone else to come present (Guy is a good candidate); follow up with singer brainteaser
Other ideas:
- Inviting an officer (or other club member) to give one of the talks so the class gets to meet more people and have more variety.
- One topic that has been covered in the past during the review week is a history of square dancing. Notes for this meeting are at Potential topic for review week - History of Square dancing.
- (prior to New England Convention) explain what other clubs are like (clothing etc)
- Graduation criteria
- What being a club member means
When there are problems:
Sometimes, issues will come up within the class and need to be addressed. To take an example, if one class member is being overly aggressive with others (in addition to taking this person aside to talk to), it's a good idea to discuss good ways to be helpful (patience, saying "split" or "all 8", hand signals) versus unhelpful things ("you passed the wrong shoulder", dragging people).