Gate is responsible for seeing that admission (gate) is taken at the door starting before the dance starts until about the third tip.


Starting 15 minutes before squares start (Squares start at 8pm.)

What you need

  • Briefcase


At the beginning of the night,

  • Take out the guestbook and write today's date under the previous weeks.
  • Start a new gate sheet by filling in the date and who is doing gate.
  • Count the cash box (cash and checks) and write the total down. Note that there may be cash and ckecks under the insert. You can assume the bundled bills are correct.
  • Take out pens, sharpies, and stick on name tags for guests

During the night,

  • When club members check in with you, check them off on the attendance sheet. Take admission from those who do not have subscriptions.
  • Also note what club members are present who have not checked in -- check off those who have subscriptions, and mark Os for those who haven't paid. You should remind them to pay if you get the chance.
  • Guests should sign in the guestbook, and pay admission.
  • If someone buys a subscription, write the relevant information down on the gate sheet. If it is for the current time, draw a line through the dates next to their name on the attendance sheet.
  • If someone buys something else (badge, t-shirt, etc), fill it out on the gate sheet.


Be low-key about the money. Try not to wave the cash around a lot, and close the cash box whenever you're not using it. If you must leave gate unattended, please be sure to put the box under the caller's table.

At least one person should be at gate from when the dance starts until the end of the 3rd tip. If a square is short one person and you are the only person around who can dance, you can close gate by putting the cash box under the caller's table while you dance.

At the end of the third tip, put the cash box under the caller's table, but leave the gate sheet and attendance sheet out for books.


  • No labels