Calculating Reaction ConditionsUse or VectorNTI to calculate melting temperatures of primers without common overhangs (base pairs 30 to end when read 5' to 3'). Phusion elongates at a rate of 1kb (1000bp) per 15s. Look up the length of the gene of interest and calculate time of elongation. You should get your Tm from NEB. If you get the melting temperature of your primer from Genious, the annealing temperature will be that number minus 2.
| Assembling ReactionGet 0.6mL PCR tubes (not the strip tubes). Get primers for gene of interest. Resuspend if necessary. Thaw Phusion supermix on ice. Add the following (in order):
VOLUME | REAGENT | 22.5uL (for 35 cycles) | Phusion Supermix | 2uL | 5uM Forward Primer | 2uL | 5uM Reverse Primer | 1uL | Template DNA(~150ng) |
| Programming The Thermocycler(In the 3rd floor thermocycler, the PCR program is named "PHUSION")Initial Denaturation: 98C for 5min LOOP: 30-35 cycles CYCLE: Denaturation: 98C for 10s Annealing: calculated temperature (typically 55-65C) for 30s Elongation: 72C for 15s per kb Final Elongation: 72C for 10min Store: 4C |