In an effort to improve the video capture system we're attempting to implement the system developed by Alex Csete at Copenhagen Suborbitals. Charlie G attempting to get G got in contact with Alex regarding his original design. The software repo for the encoder can be found here. The video overview of the system can be found here. The system notably required a custom amplifier designed by Copenhagen Suborbitals. It is unknown if we will be able to access this designwas a two amplifier system designed by Peter Mortensen. The primary amplifier was based on the kit here, however the output power of the HackRF was too low, so an additional amplifier was added to the circuit, and a custom PCB created to minimize the connections.
This architecture implements the COTS DVB-S2 standard for high definition digital video and transmits in the 23cm band (1.3 GHz). Copenhagen Suborbitals saw a very stable link at 3.5W RF at 10km 7 km altitude. Rocket Team believes we have an opportunity to simplify this system by integrating additional COTS hardware.
WIP Idea
From a discussion between Charlie and Dennis.
- 3x Raspberry Pi 0 with camera (beware, need special camera cable: https://www.adafruit.com/product/3157)
- HV320 without PA (or equivalent model)
- PA (e.g. https://www.minikits.com.au/70cm-7W-Amplifier, or self designed)
- Antenna
Groud Ground Station
- Notebook
- USB Receiving Adapter (e.g.http://www.hides.com.tw/product_ut120_eng.html)
- Antenna