Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  • Chronological structure
  • Contingency checklists
  • "Breakout" procedures when possible – single sheets for tasks like Pad cameras, pad setup, away team. Allows distribution of tasks

Intended changes for Hermes III: 

  • Better packing lists. 
    • Clearer organization by subteam - which exact tools are which? make sure tools aren't doubled 
    • Easy way to add/remove things to packing list
    • Serialize boxes for prelaunch / flight - log which tools are in which box
    • Clearer enforcement of packing for transit so we don't lose items and/or become disorganized during transit
    • Add specific sets of flight spares for small parts
  • Go-nogo poll
    • Faster/clearer who to ask for each go/nogo 
    • Multiple boxes for each item – several opportunities
    • Easy way to log attempts (misfires are likely)
      • Altimeter state at launch
      • Temp/wind speed/direction at launch
  • Tie roles in more distinctly throughout Launch Ops
  • Make quality/consistency integration checklists better across subteams
  • Pad cameras were very difficult on launch day: 
    • Lack of training
    • Lack of knowledge of which cameras were available and exact placement of each type of camera
    • No documentation of aluminum foil shades/sunshields for cameras
    • Roles not enforced strongly from the beginning
  • We did a verbal walkthrough of the rocket prior to launch – might be nice to have 
  • Data recovery was not well-enforced. We took a lot of checkout photos but it's not clear how many of them made it back

Added 9/24: 

  • Pre-transit driver checklists
    • One car ran out of gas on the way to the launch site, risking safety and delaying launch
    • Prevent with list of things. 
    • Gas, food, water, list of riders (or # of riders), list of rocket components
    • PRE-PRINT and give to drivers
    • Maybe have matrix of rocket component / tool boxes (serialized earlier) to car number.
  • Structural change idea: 
    • Minimize "launch ops" parts to the pad preparations in parallel with final integration onsite and the "pad setup" portion 
    • Pad setup == pad camera setup, rocket vertical
    • Prelaunch == arm avionics, turn on cameras, arm propulsion
    • Launch == go/nogo & contingencies


Structural changes to achieve above items: 

  • Table of contents
  • Better packing lists
    • Spreadsheet for transit tracking 
      • By box & list of missing items 
      • Single master sheet on cloud --> sharable and traceable
      • Assign spreadsheet manager(s) for launch and enforce that they do their job
    • Color-coding tape & boxes by subteam to enforce accountability (with general category)
      • Each tool or item has a designated spot
      • "Master Key" all tools and all boxes
    • Add specific sets of flight spares for small parts
      • If a part is <$50? (Jakob&Julia?) or single point failure? get 2x
    • Link boxes to cars for launch site transit
      • Or a column for "vehicle" – FedEx or Jakob's car or On Foot... how does it get from A -> B (if applicable)
    •  Pre-transit checklists
      • Print checklist with food, water, fuel, cash for tolls, small first-aid kit... etc (common across cars)
      • Open area to write down which rocket parts/boxes go in cars
  •  Go-nogo
    • Full page of GO-NOGO that is very clear to see 
    • Is a checklist with checkboxes to fill and roles to call GO-NOGO for certain fields
    • Multiple copies of this page in large print
      • Launch attempt number: __ is a field
    • New Fields: 
      • Altimeter state at launch 
        • number of satellite
      • Temp/wind speed/direction at launch
      • Time & date
      • Some way to connect launch attempt with video files
        • Altimeter startup time
        • Camera startup time
        • Liftoff time (seconds)
  •  Tie roles in more distinctly throughout Launch


  • Ops – Andrew
    • Train people for their roles at rehearsals 
    • Define windows of "useful roles" vs "free hands" 
      • MUST BE DONE BY: XYZ? i.e. Julia calls FAA
    • Ask Jakob & Julia
  •  Make quality/consistency integration checklists better across


  • subteams – Assign to teamleads, Andrew & Jamie verify
      • Assign a role for that & have a "Master Key" of checkout photos needed for flight
      • Checkout photos are GO-NOGO criteria
    • AVI: More detail on programming of altimeters on the integration checklist
    • Prop & Struc: Torque spec on bolts, Torque stripe all bolts
    • Keep checkout photos in bold
    • Get rid of ambiguity (e.g. what does "Secure" mean? Pull test? Wobble test? ??)
  •  Pad Cameras - changes to Launch Ops
    • Identify Pad Cameras & order them (How much money do we have to do this???)
    • ID each camera and show where it should be placed
    • Make sunshades for each camera
    • Enforce roles & train for roles
    • Add in Camera setup if necessary 
    • Add in "take photo of camera running with your phone" 
    • Identify when pad cameras should be turned on and someone from the Pad should signal when that time is
      • After altimeter & onboard camera startup complete
  •  Add in verbal walkthrough of integration checklists?


  •  Data Recovery
    • Checkout photos - see above
    • File management scheme: What do you name your files and where do they go so they can be found
    • Expand post-launch checklist - add in roles for all subsystems
      • Enforce roles!! Launch is not done until this is completed
  •  In the Event of...
    • Premature loss of control in flight, etc... proceed to ballistic recovery
    • Medical Emergency
    • Rocket otherwise becomes dangerous? 
    • Go over failure modes at the launch site before flight – add to preflight on-site meeting / safety review thing (in a Kahoot?) 
  •  Preflight Sims
    • Split into RasAero & Recovery Sims
    • Signatures for each one
    • Upload to file, filename?
  •  How To: use Transit spreadsheet - Jamie
    • Appendix with link & instructions


  • KEEP:
    • Single-page breakouts where possible
    • Contingency 1-pagers
    • Signatures required
    • Categorize by date

Misc. TODO:

  •  Ask Jakob & Julia questions from this sheet


  • - Andrew
  •  Make Transit spreadsheet structure for packing lists but DO NOT FILL IN ANY ITEMS - Jamie
  •  Get teamleads to start working on their packing lists after structure is made


  • - Jamie
  •  Pad Cameras
    •  Consult Charlie & Sam on cheap, easy, reliable pad cameras?
    •  Get $$$ for pad cameras
    •  Order pad cameras 
    •  Practice at rehearsal
  •  Order colored tape and sharpies if necessary
  •  Bring Launch Ops 3.0 to teamleads 11/19 - Jamie
  •  Pack and Serialize boxes - Andrew, Jaime, and 2-3 others (Pre-rehearsal)


  • Single-page breakouts where possible
  • Contingency 1-pagers
  • Signatures required
  • Categorize by date

Added 9/24: 


  • One car ran out of gas on the way to the launch site, risking safety and delaying launch
  • Prevent with list of things. 
  • Gas, food, water, list of riders (or # of riders), list of rocket components
  • PRE-PRINT and give to drivers
  • Maybe have matrix of rocket component / tool boxes (serialized earlier) to car number.
