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Wiki Markup
h2. Description
*Hierarchy of Models* {td}{tr}{tr}{td}
{pagetree:root=Hierarchy of Models}{td}{tr}{table}{excerpt}
This model applies to a point particle subject to an external force that is either parallel or antiparallel to the particle's initial velocity.  {excerpt}

|| Page Contents ||
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h2. Assumptions and Limitations

h4. Prior Models

* Link to model pages that should be learned before this model.

h4. Vocabulary

* [frame of reference]
* [position (one-dimensional)]
* [velocity (one-dimensional)]
* [acceleration (one-dimensional)]

h2. Model Specification

h4. *System Structure*


*Internal Constituents:* Point particle.

*Environment:* external agents interacting with the particle which are the responsible of the *real* forces acting *on* the particle. The total external force must be parallel or anti-parallel to the paticle's initial velocity.

h4. Descriptors

*Object Variables:* none

*State Variables:* Time (t), position (x) , and velocity (v).

*Interaction Variables:* acceleration a.

h4. Laws of Interaction

Any external force which magnitude is not constant. Possible forces are:

\- A force that depends on time:
{latex} $ \vec{F}(t) $  {latex}\\

\- A force that depend on the particle's position:
{latex} $\vec{F}(x)${latex}\\

\-A force that depend on the particle's velocity:

h4. Laws of Change


\begin {large}

$v_{\rm f} = v_{\rm i} +\int_{tit_i}^{tft_f} a(t)dt $


h2. Relevant Examples

Replace search terms in the macro with relevant ones.

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