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Wiki Markup
h2. Description
*Hierarchy of Models* {td}{tr}{tr}{td}
{pagetree:root=Hierarchy of Models}{td}{tr}{table}{excerpt}
This model applies to a point particle subject to an external force that is either parallel or antiparallel to the particle's initial velocity.  {excerpt}

|| Page Contents ||
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h2. Assumptions and Limitations

h4. Prior Models

* Link to model pages that should be learned before this model.

h4. Vocabulary

* [frame of reference]
* [position (one-dimensional)]
* [velocity (one-dimensional)]
* [acceleration (one-dimensional)]

h2. Model Specification

h4. *System Structure*


*Internal Constituents:* Point particle.

*Environment:* external agents interacting with the particle which are the responsible of the *real* forces acting *on* the particle. The total external force must be parallel or anti-parallel to the paticle's initial velocity.

h4. Descriptors

*Object Variables:* none

*State Variables:* Time (_t_), position (_x_) , and velocity (_v_).

*Interaction Variables:* acceleration _a_.

h4. Laws of Interaction

Any external force which magnitude is not constant. Possible forces are forces that depends on time, on the particle's position or on the particle's velocity.

h4. Laws of Change 

{latex}\begin {large}$x(t_f) = x(t_i) + \int_{t_i}^{t_f} v(t)dt  vdt $ or in differential form $ v(t) = \frac{dx(t)}{dt} $ \end{large}{latex}
{latex}\begin {large}$v(t_f) = v(t_i) +\int_{t_i}^{t_f} a(t)dt vdt$ or in differential form $ v(t) =\frac{dv(t)}{dt}$ \end{large}{latex}

h2. Relevant Examples

Replace search terms in the macro with relevant ones.

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