9/24/09 EndNote
- Add
- more
- info
- to
- LibGuides
- about
- it.
- Remlee
- can
- add
- info
- about
- it
- to
- the
- comparison
- table.
- Peter
- will
- add
- more
- info
- about
- EN
- Web
- to
- the
- EN
- LibGuide.
- We
- can
- all
- mention
- it
- in
- classes.
- Issue
- with
- EndNote
- Web:
- people
- will
- lose
- access
- after
- they
- leave
- MIT.
- We
- should
- recommend
- that
- they
- export
- the
- references
- to
- full
- EndNote. Papers:
- No
- bibliography
- creation
- feature.
- Keep
- it
- on
- the
- radar
- but
- don't
- formally
- support
- for
- now,
- add
- to
- the
- citation
- tools
- page. JabRef:
- Mat
- will
- write
- a
- blurb
- and
- put
- it
- on
- the
- citation-tools
- page. Citation-tools
- page:
- Remlee
- will
- add
- a
- section
- on
- the
- wiki
- page
- for
- us,
- and
- add
- the
- list
- of
- tools
- we
- haven't
- evaluated
- on
- the
- wiki.
- Then
- delete
- them
- from
- the
- LibGuide. Survey
- comments:
- Think
- about
- this
- in
- a
- larger
- context...
- Statistical
- consulting
- &
- citation
- management
- &
- data
- management
- could
- work
- together.
- Get
- support
- for
- administration
- for
- expanding
- roles?
- We
- should
- talk
- to
- Steve.
- Try offering more classes,(have
- one
- of
- each
- class
- second
- half
- of
- October)
- Peter
- -
- 2
- EndNote,
- Anita
- -
- 1
- RW,
- Georgiana
- -
- 1
- RW,
- Mat
- &
- Remlee
- 2
- Managing
- Yr
- Refs;
- Remlee
- will
- take
- care
- of
- marketing
- -
- homepage,
- posters,
- blog,
- Facebook,
- Tweet;
- Peter
- scheduled
- Later
- in
- Fall:
- Offer
- training
- sessions
- for
- staff,
- to
- get
- more
- help
- with
- consultations,
- etc.
- Peter
- can
- look
- at
- our
- Guides
- and
- try
- self-training,
- and
- tell
- us
- what
- we
- can
- improve.
- Maybe
- later,
- he
- can
- evaluate
- new
- programs
- and
- rove.
- Remlee will
- contact
- Peter
- and
- get
- him
- started.
Evaluate by 9/15:
- Papers: Remlee will try to get a free copy, so we can evaluate.
- EndNote Web: Peter & Anita will play with it.
- JabRef: let’s not evaluate it now. Wait and see if we get more questions. (“free, cross-platform reference software that is very handy for people who cannot either purchase commercial ones or find zotero a little too general purpose)
- Mat will start page on useful tools.
- Mat will add everyone to edit EndNote LibGuide & will start the other 2 LibGuides
- Zotero guide: Remlee will help
- RefWorks guide: Anita
- Overview page: Remlee
- Get LibGuides done by start of Fall term.
Set up meeting for mid-September.
Peter will give new EndNote to Olimpia & script to Mat.
RefWorks trouble with Group Code: Try VPN, or give out group code as a last report. Mid-Fall: Figure out if we can implement Shibboleth.
RefWorks: Mat for Ted stuff, Anita for everything else.
EndNote: Peter
Zotero: Remlee
Mat will contact Steve, Ellen, and Howard to see if they really need monthly stats, or if we can submit them yearly.
M: Anita
T: Peter
W: Georgiana
Th: Mat
F: Remlee
Remlee will add schedule to Cite-help, see if people have designate rights