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This is a page where Collaboratorium moderators can discuss issues of mutual interest.

Pre-Copenhagen outreach schedule


Oct 31-Nov 3
Pass out cards at Energy Club event on Oct 28 +


development team/moderators each ask 5 friends to look at the site.


Email message along these lines:
Proposed text for invitation:
"What do you think we should do about global climate change?

Vote for the plan you think is best, or create a better one yourself, at the Climate Collaboratorium

The site is running a contest for the best Copenhagen plan. Preliminary round winners will be chosen November 15, final round winners November 30.

You can also
* Add comments to the plans
* Add comments to the debates


A few days later follow up with a note asking them seeing if they used the site and what they thought. asking the following specific questions:

  • What did you do on the site?
  • What did you like and not like?
  • What was easy to understand and what was confusing?
  • What do you think should be changed?
  • How do you think we could find other people who would be interested in participating in this community?
  • What other advice do you have?

Results of outreach efforts
Outreach activities
40+ personal invitations issues via email
~85 people contacted at events, ~10 took Collaboratorium business cards

Site results
18 new users (up from 47 between 10/31/09 and 11/3/09 mid-afternoon)
9 new votes (up from 14 over same period)

Nov 4-10

  • Follow up with invitees to get more information (create Google docs sheet to gather results?)Week of Nov 2
    Note: transition to new Liferay platform, with more robust community functionality, expected during this week
  • Announcements in MIT Energy Club + Sustainability@MIT newsletter and possible joint eventWeek of Nov 9
    Emails and possible events newsletters.
  • Discssions with these groups about event.

Nov 11-15
Emails to student groups at:

  • Harvard
  • , Tufts,
  • UNaples
  • , Bronx Science
  • , and Northfield Mount Herman + messages
    Messages to small/medium-sized sustainability email lists/list servesWeeks of Nov 16/23 =?

Nov 16-22

  • Transition to new Liferay platform, with more robust community functionality, scheduled for Nov 16
  • Email to all current users

Now 23-30
Emails and possible events with

  • Camb Climate Protection Action Committee,
  • Museum Science Copenhagen event attendees
  • , Climate Project NE chapter + messages
    Messages to large sustainability email lists/list serves + other groups identied between now and then?Week of

Nov 30-6
Prepare white paper, based on Collaboratorium activity, to be taken to delegations at Copenhagen

Focus of pre-Copenhagen activity

Two tier contest for Copenhagen plans

  • Preliminary round
    Top 3 vote getting plans on Nov 15 are named preliminary round winners
  • Final round
    Semifinal winners are touted as such but all votes are reset, with top 3 vote getters Nov 16-30 named final round winners
    Creators of semifinal and final round winners receive notice on home page and their profile

Moderator site maintenance schedule

Task = welcome new users + remove bad posts

  • Week of Nov 2 = Rob
  • Week of Nov 9 = Kat
  • Week of Nov 16 = Rhonda
  • Week of Nov 23 = Joana/Jason?
  • week of Nov 30 = Lara

Activities during and after Copenhagen*

  • December
    Discussion of Collaboratorium white paper + events in Copenhagen + reflect on next steps
  • Q1 2010
    Focus on new set of plans around Waxman-Markey/Boxer-Kerry or other issue to be determined
