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+Minutes of the first iLab-Europe+ \-  +Meeting 24 September 2009+

Conference Center Villach (CCV), Austria (during ICL2009 Conference)


Judson Harvard (MIT, USA)

Ingvar Gustavsson (Blekkinge Institute of Technology, Sweden

Göran Karlsson (KTH Stockholm, Sweden)

Ian Grout (University of Limerick, Ireland)

Javier Garcia Zubia, Pablo Orduña (University of Deusto, Portugal)

Christophe Gravier (University of St. Etienne, France)

Cornel Samoila, Doru Ursutiu (University of Brasov, Romania)

Heinz-Dietrich Wuttke (TU Ilmenau, Germany)

Michael Auer, Danilo Garbi Zutin, Michael Niederstätter (CUAS Villach, Austria)


•     Motivation and Introduction (Michael Auer, CUAS)

•     The iLab Consortium (Judson Harvard, MIT)

•     Demonstration Lab2Go Portal (Danilo Garbi Zutin, CUAS)

•     Discussion

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+Minutes of the first iLab-Europe+ +&nbsp;+{+}Meeting 24 September 2009+
Conference* Center Villach (CCV), Austria (during ICL2009 Conference)*Michael Auer*
* *Judson Harvard*
* *Javier Garcia*



Judson Harvard (MIT, USA)

Ingvar Gustavsson (Blekkinge Institute of Technology, Sweden

Göran Karlsson (KTH Stockholm, Sweden)

Ian Grout (University of Limerick, Ireland)

Javier Garcia Zubia, Pablo Orduña (University of Deusto, Portugal)

Christophe Gravier (University of St. Etienne, France)

Cornel Samoila, Doru Ursutiu (University of Brasov, Romania)

Heinz-Dietrich Wuttke (TU Ilmenau, Germany)

Michael Auer, Danilo Garbi Zutin, Michael Niederstätter (CUAS Villach, Austria)



•Results of the discussions:*

1.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;All partners agree to cooperate especially in the field of interface standardisation, with the aim to foster the development of new / migration of existing experiments to be accessible via iLab Broker Servers.

2.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;This group together with other interested institutions could be the core of a Special Interest Group (SIG) as for example the already established SIG VISIR (recommended by Ingvar).

3.&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Motivation and Introduction (Michael Auer, CUAS)CUAS invites the partners to the following activities

•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;The3-day-workshop with demonstration and tutorial for setting up an iLab Service ConsortiumBroker (Judson Harvard, MIT)meanwhile scheduled for 16-18 Nov).

•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;DemonstrationBeta-tester Lab2Gofor Portalthe (Danilosemantic Garbi Zutin, CUAS)

•&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;Discussionlab2go platform