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Wiki Markup
*Meeting Minutes March 24*

Attending: Elaine, Ann, Ranjani, Molly, Kate, Kris, Peter

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1.) Ranjani's layout for site navigation and home page.


First pass at a wireframe of our portal.

Ranjani took our content, and the ideas discussed at our last meeting, and drafted a first cut front page for us to review.

Major areas at top:

Getting Started

Hosting options




Hardware - for DIY


Can also have a template wizard that helps people walk through their questions.

Showcase/news - examples of good/bad video - can include TechTV and MIT World. Keeping this piece up will be work that has to be taken into account. Could also include RSS feeds, blogs, and other ways to communicate.

FAQ - 5 top questions could be included here.


how we want to do hosting

what kind of design do we want

2.) Kris, Kate& Elaine's hardware recommendations.

3.) Kris & Elaine answering the questions on the output capture page.