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> Not sure whether Oliver or Chris have submitted anything yet, so thought I would at least send along a collection, slightly edited, that was compiled by the Service Desk Team Leaders last week. Needs some mor editing work, but it at least provides a starting point for SD and FSX.
> Barbara
> On 4/12/10 3:55 PM, "Patricia Sheppard" <pshepp@MIT.EDU> wrote:
>> For those teams that have not submitted anything for the Q3 report, could you please share your accomplishments as well as Q4 goals/milestones with Elaine and I by the end of the day tomorrow? The final needs to be submitted to Marilyn’s office by next Tuesday the 20th, so the time line is very short and we want to make sure we have time to turn it around for your review and feedback.
>> Thanks much!
> <SD&FSXQ3.docx>

Attached document for Goguen's email:

• Smooth transition of telephony from E19
• On-site support for VoIP transitions
o President/Provost/VP Research/Corporate Relations in bldg 3, 7, 10, 11, N52
o Facilities in bldg E19
o MITMCO in bldg E48
• Templates created for All VIP Offices, EECS, Microsystems Technology Lab, MIT Medical, Buildings 26, 34, 36, 38, 39, E23, E39, E40, E51, E52, E60, E70
• CSRs migrated to ACD
Student Staffing:
• Collaboration with Chuck Shubert in OEIT. Service Desk students as UROP employees a percentage of their time during IAP
• Successful Call Center student hiring took place early S10 semester
o Started another hiring effort to complete early Q4
• Pharos printing pilot in W20 and W7
• Nominated SIPB for an MIT Excellence Award
• Video tools at MIT
• Athena/faculty working group started
• Hermes presented at NERCOMP with favorable reception
• 287 new articles, 551 modified articles
• 60 Athena machines on campus upgraded in the field (FSX)
• Student Laptop loaner program successfully loaned 70 laptops
• Accounts deactivation in January. Support for all MIT users needing sponsorship updates
• Academic computing virtual machine created (FSX)
• SPSS renewal
• Work for Matlab license renewal
• Keyserver pilot has started
• Group to review software and service release process has started
• Oracle 11G release ongoing
• Full support for Windows 7 – 32bit started
• Working with SWRT to improve Certaid for Mac OS X & Safari
• File Maker 11 Release
• TSM 6.1 client release project
• Snow leopard support 2/2/10
• Work done to release SAPgui patch that enables support for Windows 7
• Vmware Image project for Business Help applications
• went live
• VSLS inventory and cost/time estimate for all products almost complete
• Hiring process for vacated VSLS position nearing completion
Documentation and Community outreach:
• Support @ MIT page updated to make it easier to contact the Service Desk.
• Twitter feeds:
o Mobile Ninja getting significant use
o Service desk outage whiteboard listing available in restricted twitter feed
• Work for 4G symposium underway by Mobile Devices team
• Citrix documentation prepared for changes to
• Educational Technology section of IS&T documentation being reworked (FSX)
• Old Athena documentation cleaned up and removed (FSX)
• Getting started documentation being reviewed (FSX)

Training/Professional Development:
• Service desk staff attended Windows 7 training
• Cross training of Service Center (Software/Hardware) under way
• Service Desk and FSX continue to support RT
• Daily trends data now extracted from RT saved for reuse in FileMaker
• Started in depth look at: How the Service desk uses RT
o Our process for ticket escalation
o Practices regarding queue access for IS&T and outside organizations
• Established internal working group for Exchange related issues
• Worked with OIS and customers to resolve issues with missing email

• FSILG internal network upgrades finalized early Q3

Upcoming Goals for Q4:
• Dell business process study of the Service Desk
• Matlab renewal by June
• AutoDesk license renewal
• VMware images ready for early summer deployment
• Citrix 10 documentation published in Drupal
• Campus Preview Weekend presence by Service Desk
• Windows 7, 64bit support coming
• Oracle client for Windows 7 release
• Work towards process for upgrading RT, to be completed between FY10 and FY11
• Performance appraisals
• SAPGui for Windows 7 release
• Cross Training of CSRs to broaden their technical skill sets
• Laptop recommendation changes
• Work on printer recommendations
• Reviewing documentation released by AUX with Service Desk consultants
• Internal billing updates, exploring TNSC billing model and tool
• ACD clients updated with new IP address for ACD server
• Outlook mrhalp Exchange profiles installed on all service desk computers to enable better troubleshooting
• Call center to migrate some phones to VoIP
• Exchange test matrix complete

Aufiero's email to Sheppard (dated 4/12/2010)
SUBJECT: Re: Update on Q3 Submissions
