- Others
- Get Stanford open house date early, or set ours early, or negotiate with Stanford early. It turns out that our entire schedule can be affected by this.
Wiki Markup Change aa-gac mailing list to be a mailman list with \[AA-GAC\] prepended to subject and also Wiki and applyweb URLs in footer.
- Consider changing GRE score deadline
- Consider adding an explicit deadline for recommendation letters, consider sending recommendation letter reminders.
- Consider adding automatic generation of recommendation letter reminders.
- Need to fix the process from the grad admissions office
- Dave recommends not waiting transcript before allowing a folder to be reviewed. Beth has concerns about this.
- EECS system may become the institute-wide system, and we should stay aware of changes that may result.
- Need to formalize fast-track policy, in particular find a way to ensure that all relevant faculty have been given the opportunity to review a folder.
- Is there a way to get lists of Fulbright fellows ahead of time, along with types of fellowships? Also, what is an IS&T alternate? Is it like being waitlisted? How often do these get upgraded to principal?