Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.

User Analysis:

Music students lead very busy lives: going to class, performing and attending other performances, and working to support themselves. One student, enrolled at Tufts and the New England Conservatory, spends a lot of time commuting between the two schools. Many students attend shows several times each week as part of their education. Another student is very conscious of paying for his education. Like all college students, they struggle to balance their time to meet all of their commitments and lead healthy lives.


We will focus on developing for college students studying music. We assume they own an Android smart phone.

Task Analysis:

  • Compose Music Sketches
    • Select meter and pitch of the phrase
    • Divide into measures
    • Place notes on a staff (choose which staff)
    • Modify notes with sharps, flats, accents, note length, ties, slurs
    • Add dynamic and expression markings
  • Sketches Play Back to User
    • Play each note as it is placed on the staff so the user can make sure they are accurately transcribing the phrase. (We will assume that the user has headphones they can use if they are in a noisy environment and want to use this feature. This is a safe assumption because most people use their phones as their music players, too.)
    • Unlike a piece of paper, the app can play back the phrase to remind the user of the sound and help them resume their train of thought about the phrase when they come back to it.
  • Browse the Saved Files on the Phone 
    • Create a new file
    • View the file names the user has stored on the phone
    • Select a file to view again, brings up in main view

TA Feedback.

As we discussed in our meeting, this project in this submission is not a stretch at all. Make sure you focus on something that's not just for MIT students, and that isn't just a layer over a database.
