Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


Create a Tournament

Search for/Join a Tournament

Update a Tournament

Manage a Tournament

View a Tournament





  •  Added a "Create" button - would be replaced with the text "Created" once clicked
  • Initially grayed out "Close Join Period" button until tournament was created
  • Gave the Tournaments panel on homepage more real estate
  •  Added the two panel search results - top panel for your tournaments, bottom panel for all tournaments
  • Clicking the tournament from search results would bring user to tournament info page instead of immediately prompting the user to join the tournament
  • Clicking on join from tournament info page would pop up the password prompt
  •  Changed the order of the "winner" radio buttons and "score" text boxes
  • Added "optional" next to the score column
  • Added "Reject" button onto the notification
  • Removed ability to close the notification without accepting or rejecting the request
  •  Added checkboxes to the names
  • Color coded the names
  • Animate side bar to show when page loads.  Disappears immediately after
  •  No changes

Observations on Second Iteration


Create a Tournament

Search for/Join a Tournament

Update a Tournament

Manage a Tournament

View a Tournament

Overall Comments

User 1






User 2






  •  Confused with their name vs. tournament name on form
  • confused with friends vs. email
  • Everything went smoothly
  •  Tried to open sidebar and click on player's name to update score
  • Didn't fill in score
  • Didn't notice the notification from opponent to approve score
  •  Noticed the sidebar animation, went straight there
  •  Everything went smoothly
  • Thought logout symbol was a power button
  • Suggested to switch location of icons on top bar
  • Was confused what the friends button did

User 2

  •  Confused with their name vs tournament name on form
  • Thought friend name and emails corresponded with each other 
  • Suggested to change "Close join period" button to "Start Tournament"
  •  Suggested to put "Join" button on top of page in case description was very long, might not know there is a "Join" button if not immediately visible
  •  Ignored notification
  • Suggested a visible state change after the score was sent for approval
  •  Wondered why side bar would ever disappear if there's space for it
  • Tried to click name in bracket to boot/make manager - supposed to go to side bar
  •  No issues
  • Thought logout button would close the application

User 3

  •  Also entered their own name instead of tournament name
  • Didn't know what password box was for, skipped it because noticed it wasn't required
  • Wondered why the join period was grayed out at first
  • Suggested put the invited members' names in the members box after invitations were sent
  • Initially confused what the search bar at top did - would it search his tournaments or all tournaments
  • Confused with the layout of the search results page - wasn't consistent with other sites he used.  Said he doesn't read all the labels as a heavy internet user
  •  Only user in this iteration to notice notification message
  • Didn't know what tournament the match was for, didn't want to approve it because he didn't know
  • Didn't know which box in the round-robin grid to press first (he could have done either)
  •  Suggested having some color-coded key to explain what the colors for each player meant. 
  • He did accurately guess what each color was
  • No issues
  • Same issues - power button, left-right layout of top icons

User 3





