
Group Members

  • Stephen Chang
  • Sarah Han
  • Samvaran Sharma

Problem Statement

The Problem:
Creating and managing tournaments requires a lot of coordination.  If handled incorrectly the task quickly becomes cumbersome and inefficient.  There is currently no easy, quick, and simple method to create a tournament on the fly and keep track of games, leaderboards, and results between large groups of people. Maintaining large collaborative spreadsheets can become tedious and risks integrity, and analog methods fail when tournaments are spread out over multiple days and locations.

Hypothetical Situation:
Larry, Curly, and Moe think they are better at table tennis than everyone else in their office. They wish to establish a round-robin tournament between all members of the office in order to prove that they are the best. Coordinating such a tournament via email or collaborative text editing documents can be tricky and complicated. Similarly, having one person in charge of the entire tournament can quickly become inefficient. What they need is an easy way to manage the tournament online between members of the office.

The Solution:
Our product provides users with a simple way to create and maintain tournaments of any size. Users need no previous expertise in managing tournaments in order to use the site, since much of the functionality is automated. Once a tournament is created, users may join the bracket, send in score updates as they finish games, and view the state of the tournament and current leaders from a single online portal. Managers are also given power to modify aspects of the tournament to ensure things are running smoothly (eg. booting inactive players or editing scores).

GR1 - Task Analysis

GR2 - Design

GR3 - Paper Prototyping

GR4 - Computer Prototype

GR6 - User Testing

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