Versions Compared


  • This line was added.
  • This line was removed.
  • Formatting was changed.


  1. A large calendar, with a span of 4 weeks (previous, current, and the next two weeks). 
  2. A sidebar, with links to the available actions and information that must be reviewed by the user. The sidebar is further divided into 3 sections:
    1. A list of subscribed classes. The list also does double-duty as a legend for the color coding used for the assignments; 
    2. A list of actions available for working with assignments;
    3. A feed with messages generated by the system that must be reviewed by the user.


  • click on a blank region on the calendar, to add an assignment for a specific date.;
  • click on a class same on the sidebar, to add an assignment for that specific class.;
  • click the self-descriptive sidebar link.


During paper prototyping, we determined that a mobile phone screen would probably be too small for us to implement a calendar view as rich as the one shown on the desktop. Therefore, we decided to implement the assignments view as a vertical list, keeping it simple, readable, and easy to interact with. The screenshots above demonstrate how assignments are show on the mobile interface.


  • Improved consistency across dialogs: Based on a somewhat misguided guideline, we had implemented some actions of our dialogs using hyperlinks (e.g., 'Cancel'), and others using buttons (e.g., 'Save'). Our users complained, and we got rid of the links and adopted buttons for all dialog actions.
  • Combined similar actions: Our users complained that the interface had similar actions (e.g., 'Create assignment' vs. 'Create multiple assignments') and that added some confusion, so we unified them into a single action ('Add assignments').
  • Use attribute names consistent with the real world: In Ruby on Rails, it is common to name timestamp attributes using the suffix '_at". This surfaced to the interface, as a text field labeled 'Due at'. The evaluators requested it to be changed to 'Due on'. A similar problem happened with our implementation of a 'Class' object; because 'class' is a reserved word in Ruby, we named had to name our structure 'Course', and it surfaced to the UI. Both issues were fixed.
  • Added information about HAAG on the login screen: Some evaluators were concerned that it was not possible to know what the application does, so we added a short explanation on the landing page.
  • Implemented missing features: We implemented the missing features from GR4, most of which were picked by the evaluators: allow unsubscribing from a class, implement undo for marking assignment as completed, and allow creating private assignments.


Rails applications are structured according to a model-view-controller (MVC) pattern, and are expected to adhere to a series of guidelines. This "convention over configuration" philosophy benefits the designer by ensuring that if the guidelines are followed all low-level details will be are handled automatically. This allowed us to have the first several features running in a short time.


The solution adopted was live validation with AJAX requets. Whenever an input field changes, a round trip to the server is performed, and if the field contents are invalid they are highlighted in red. This added significant complexity, but from the user viewpoint it was probably worth it: in the one case where we faild to implement this live validation, an evaluator classified this as both a major problem (lack of feedback) and a minor one (inconsistent layout). These issues were fixed in the final implementation.


The usability tests brought forth a few minor issues:

  • (Minor) There was a small bug where we didn't have the correct information in the header bar (i.e. a section was blank)
    • We already fixed this with a quick patch.
  • (Major) Users were much slower on the mobile version. This is a concern, especially since the primary goals of the mobile interface were convenience and efficiency.
    • We should label assignments with both the color and name of the class.
    • Really old assignments could be moved to the bottom of the list in order to show more recent ones.
  • (Minor) "Shared" may be confusing without the prompting of the usability test.
    • We could replace the "Shared" check-box with a radio button between "Private" and "Public."
  • (Cosmetic) The colors chosen are sometimes too similar.
    • One approach would be to allow users to choose their own colors.
    • We could also create a more sophisticated algorithm for choosing distinct colors.


First, although obvious in retrospect, users do not always use the interface as originally intended. We observed this during paper prototyping, when : users would frequently click on a class name when we asked them to create an assignment. We decided to embrace it, and this shortcut was implemented in our final design.

Second, before adding UI effects that are not included with the used standard framework, or that deviate from conventional web applications, it is worth evaluating how much value they really add to the interface. In the time we spent implementing live validation, it would could be possible to implement several other features.


Finally, we observed that users expect to experiment with the interface without facing irreversible consequences. We frequently saw users clicking everywhere on the UI, when they got stuck with the task at hand. There as was also visible frustration when an action lead to some a consequence that could not be easily reversed. Of course they are right, and it is our job as designers to create interfaces that match their expectations.