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h2. {color:#ff0000}click on the pencil icon in the upper right to start editing\!{color}

1. The standard bio layout contains: your name, academic background, work experience, research domain, research methodology, research description, publications, a black-and-white portrait, personal website and professional website... in that order. Students early in their career may only have content for some of these sections. That's cool. Add more when you have it\!

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h2. Ross COLLINS

h4. Academic Background:

* 20XX2012 - present • MIT, ESD: PhD student in Engineering Systems
* YYYY 2012InstitutionMIT, DepartmentESD: MS in Technology discipline& Policy
* YYYY  2010 • University of Virginia: MS in Systems Engineering
* 2008Institution, Department: BEngUniversity of Virginia: BS in Systems Engineering; BA in disciplineEconomics

h4. Work Experience:

* Summer 2012 20XX -US 20XXHouse of CompanyRepresentativesCityWashington, CountryDC&nbsp;
Title: short job description.
* 20XX - 20XX • Company • City, ST
Title: short job description.
* 20XX - 20XX • Company • City, Province, Country
Title: short job description.Congressional Fellow with Natural Resources Committee and Ranking Member Congressman Edward J. Markey
* Summer 2010 • Institute for Cryogenics and Refrigeration • Shanghai, China&nbsp;
Awardee of NSF International Research and Education in Engineering program

h4. Research Domain:

researchenergy domain in lower caseand infrastructure

h4. Research Methodology:

researchsystem methodologydynamics; inscenario lowerplanning; case, next research methodologydecision analysis

h4. Research Description:

JaneRoss's research focusesis oncurrently writing a third-person, present-tense sentence or paragraph about her researchbeing defined.


h4. Publications:

* Last1Collins, First1, First2 Last2, Ross and First3Kenneth Last3Crowther. "Long Technical Title: Pithy Subtitle." {link-window:href=url|type=normal|target="_blank"}available here{link-window}. _Journal:_ YYYY, 42-48Systems-based modeling of generation variability under alternate geographic configurations of photovoltaic (PV) installations in Virginia". _Energy Policy{_}_:_&nbsp;2011, 6262-6270.
{link-window:href=|type=normal|target="_blank"}Personal web site{link-window}
{link-window:href=|type=normal|target="_blank"}Professional web site{link-window}