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Wiki Markup
h2. {color:#ff0000}click on the pencil icon in the upper right to start editing\!{color}

1. The standard bio layout contains: your name, academic background, work experience, research domain, research methodology, research description, publications, a black-and-white portrait, personal website and professional website... in that order. Students early in their career may only have content for some of these sections. That's cool. Add more when you have it\!

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h4. Academic Background:

* 20XX2012 - present • MIT, ESD: PhD student in Engineering Systems
* 2009 YYYY- 2010Institution, DepartmentComillas Pontifical University: MS in disciplineEngineering Systems
* 2005 YYYY- 2011 Madrid Institution,Compluteuse DepartmentUniversity: BEngBS in discipline

h4. Work Experience:

* 20XX2004 - 20XX2009 Company • City, Country
Title: short job description.
* 20XX - 20XX • Company • City, ST
Title: short job description.
* 20XX - 20XX • Company • City, Province, Country
Title: short job description. Comillas Pontifical University: BS in Industrial Engineering

h4. Work Experience:

* 2006 - 2010 • Institute for Research and Technology • Madrid, Spain
\\Research Assistant

h4. Research Domain:

research domain in lower casetransportation

h4. Research Methodology:

researchdecision methodology in lower case, next research methodologyunder uncertainty

h4. Research Description:

JaneMaite's research focuses on writing a third-person, present-tense sentence or paragraph about her research.

{htmlcomment} complex socio-technical systems, decision making under uncertainty, strategic planning (long-term decision support), transportation systems, railway systems, and stochastic optimizations.

h4. Publications:

* Last1, First1, First2 Last2, and First3 Last3. "Long Technical Title: Pithy Subtitle." {link-window:href=url|type=normal|target="_blank"}available here{link-window}. _Journal:_ YYYY, 42-48. Pena-Alcaraz, M.; Fernandez, A.; Cucala, A.P.; Ramos, A.; Pechamoreau, R.R.; Optimal underground timetable design based on power flow for maximizing the use of regenerative-braking energy; Proceedings of the Institute of Mechanical Engineering, Part F: Journal of Rail and Rapid Transit, vol. 226, pp. 397-408, July 2012 
* Ramos, A.; Pena-Alcaraz, M; Fernandez, A.; Cucala, A.P.; Mathematical programming approach to underground timetabling problem for maximizing time synchronization. CEPADE, No. 35, pp. 88-95, June 2008 
{link-window:href=|type=normal|target="_blank"}Personal web site{link-window}
{link-window:href=|type=normal|target="_blank"}Professional web site{link-window}