The two decide to try out the new site in an attempt to find friends for Will. After quickly filling in their biographical information, they begin inputting Will’s information. The website requires them to fill in Will’s name, gender, and breed, in addition to uploading a picture of their Boston Terrier. With their profile created, the owners are now able to view different dogs and dog groups around the area. Luckily for them, there is a Back Bay Small Dog Group that meets regularly on the esplanade on Tuesdays and Thursdays. Not only do these times fit in both Phil and Vivian’s schedule, but the group has established a limit on the size of dogs that can join. Phil and Vivian quickly sign up to join the group. Once approved, they download the groups meetup schedule to their Google calendar. Now they can’t wait to bring Will to meet his new friends!
Individual Designs
Design 1 (Social Network)
1A.This is the main page of DogPack. Phil opened this page and was attracted by the wonderful pictures and felt curious about how the activities being hold as well as how to find other dog owners. He started to create a profile for Will.
1B. Phil started filling in the information to create a profile for Will. He shared Will's name, age, size and also uploaded a few pictures of Will, trying to help Will find some "friends"
1C. Phil tried to find an interesting activity for Will to join. He searched the activities by location, time and other details. The map in the bottom page shows the location of each result.