- Others
- Get Stanford open house date early, or set ours early, or negotiate with Stanford early. It turns out that our entire schedule can be affected by this.
Change aa-gac mailing list to be a mailman list with \ [AA-GAC\] prepended to subject and also Wiki and applyweb URLs in footer.Wiki Markup - Consider changing GRE score deadline
- Consider adding an explicit deadline for recommendation letters, consider sending recommendation letter reminders.
- Consider adding automatic generation of recommendation letter reminders.
- Need to fix the process from the grad admissions office, some application materials come from them late/not at all.
- Dave recommends not waiting transcript before allowing a folder to be reviewed. Beth has concerns about this.
- EECS system may become the institute-wide system, and we should stay aware of changes that may result.
- Need to formalize fast-track policy, in particular find a way to ensure that all relevant faculty have been given the opportunity to review a folder.
- Need to think about how better to manage multiple RA offers in relation to sizing process. There may not be an answer here.
- Is there a way to get lists of Fulbright fellows ahead of time, along with types of fellowships? Also, what is an IS&T alternate? Is it like being waitlisted? How often do these get upgraded to principal?
- Need a policy for GAC members that don't own laptops.
- Need to formalize admissions policy in relation to qualifying exam with grad committee
- How close is the tie between admitted student and initial advisor? Admissions letter says "switch to another advisor" rather than "choose an advisor".