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h1. {color:#660000}{*}GR1 -


Table of Contents

Point of View

Arjun is a 40 years old father living in Mumbai, India whose son Raj is a working professional recently moved to San Francisco

  • wants to be able to recreate the narratives of his son's stories with immersive visual representation.

General Problem Statement

Parents and relatives living apart want to get a better experience of the stories of their loved ones.

  • Experiences are difficult to communicate
    • What is it like to walk around Harvard Square or jog along the Charles river?
    • How does MIT campus look like?
  • Traditional forms of communication, like verbal description, images, and videos, fail to fully express what a place is like.

Need-finding (Observations + Interviews)


Phone call with Arjun

Personal Details

  • 40 years old
  • lives in Mumbai, India
  • works in a bank (a clerk )
  • has never been to US before
  • has travelled to three other countries (Dubai, Singapore, and Kenya)** has only one child (Raj, 25 years old)
    • Raj works for a software company in Banglore


  • feels lonely because his son has recently moved to San Francisco
  • they both talk over phone almost every day
  • his son tells him interesting stories (some sample stories below)** his son told him how amazing it was to drive to LA from SFO through Highway 1 along the pacific coast
    • a story about his son's hiking to glacier point (Yesomite)
    • a story about his visit to Google's Mountain View Campus
    • a story about Stanford University's beautiful Palm Drive entrance and the oval


  • after the phone call, he often goes to web and tries to look up images, videos, etc.. of the places to relate the stories with a visual representation
  • he feels that had he been at the place before, he would be able to 'experience' the stories
  • he often tries to imagine - what it would be like to be driving on Highway 1 along the pacific coast. 


  • these breakdowns clearly suggest that it is difficult to communicate experience and there is an opportunity
  • we want Arjun to be able to experience what it is like to be driving on Highway 1 or walking over the crooked street at SFO?


Facetime with another parent

Personal Details

  • 47 years old, mother
  • lives in Pune, India
  • has never been to US before
  • has not travelled to any other country
  • has her one child studying in US
  • lives with her other two children


  • prefers to talk over webcam/facetime instead of phone call
  • wants to see her son's face while talking
  • often asks her son to show the office, dorm through the phone camera 
  • interested in seeing the place where her son lives.
  • likes video over phone because she feels more closer to her son


  • often difficult to get sense of things through phone camera
  • feels restricted by technology, wants to feel closer to her son


  • there is an opportunity to make the communication that gives an experience of being closer.


Phone call with Joy

Personal Details

  • 33 years old
  • a resident of India
  • a prof 
  • planning to tour Paris with his wife
  • has never been to Paris before
  • has travelled to many other countries


  • wants to plan his trip
  • is taking help of a tour agent
  • tour agent has given him a leaflet that has
    • textual description of each trip location
    • beautiful images of various landmarks
    • review and comments from people


  • he wants to get a better sense of what the trip would be like 
  • he wants to take a virtual tour of various places so that he can make a better decision of which all places to go


  • the breakdowns clearly suggest that it is difficult to experience 'how a trip is going to look like' in advance and thus there is an opportunity
  • we want Joy to be able to experience what different places at Paris are going to be like


Phone Call With "Sara"

Personal Details

  • a 22-year-old student
  • lived abroad in Spain for 6 months
  • her parents are 50-year-old immigrants from South Korea 
  • her parents live in the U.S.


  • Parents feel concerned about their daughter living abroad.
  • Sara wants to show parents that she lives in a safe place.
  • Sara wants to show her parents landmarks from her stay so that they can connect together different stories she has told them.


  • Some images of Sara's trip are available on social networking sites (Facebook), however: 
    • most of these aren't relevant to the details Sara's parents are interested in.
    • hard to establish relationships between pictures if you haven't visited the place; no continuity.


  • a better way to communicate about the neighborhood

User Groups

Based on our interviews, we have divided it in two broad groups. We will be focussing on #1.

  1. People back home
    1. Parents 
    2. Relatives
    3. Friends
    4. Tourists (planning a tour)
  2. People living abroad
    1. Visitors
    2. Students 
    3. Professionals
    4. Tour Guides

User Goals


  1. Experience the place where their children/relatives/friends are living
  2. Recreate the narrative of stories with immersive visual representation


  1. ability to share experience in a visual way


  1. experience what the tour is going to look like beforehand




h2. Point of View

Arjun is a 40 years old father living in Mumbai, India whose son Raj is a working professional recently moved to San Francisco
* *wants to be able to{*}* recreate the narratives of his son's stories with immersive visual representation.*

h2. {color:#660000}General Problem Statement{color}

Parents and relatives living apart want to get a better experience of the stories of their loved ones.
* Experiences are difficult to communicate
** What is it like to walk around Harvard Square or jog along the Charles river?
** How does MIT campus look like?
* Traditional forms of communication, like verbal description, images, and videos, fail to fully express what a place is like.

h2. Need-finding (Observations + Interviews)

h3. Phone call with Arjun
h4. Personal Details

* 40 years old
* lives in Mumbai, India
* works in a bank (a clerk )
* has never been to US before
* has travelled to three other countries (Dubai, Singapore, and Kenya)*\* has only one child (Raj, 25 years old)
** Raj works for a software company in Banglore

h4. Context

* feels lonely because his son has recently moved to San Francisco
* they both talk over phone almost every day
* his son tells him interesting stories (some sample stories below)*\* his son told him how amazing it was to drive to LA from SFO through Highway 1 along the pacific coast
** a story about his son's hiking to glacier point (Yesomite)
** a story about his visit to Google's Mountain View Campus
** a story about Stanford University's beautiful Palm Drive entrance and the oval

h4. Breakdowns/Workarounds{color:#000000} {color}

* after the phone call, he often goes to web and tries to look up images, videos, etc.. of the places to relate the stories with a visual representation
* he feels that had he been at the place before, he would be able to 'experience' the stories
* he often tries to imagine - what it would be like to be driving on Highway 1 along the pacific coast. 

h4. Opportunities

* these breakdowns clearly suggest that it is difficult to communicate experience and there is an opportunity
* we want Arjun to be able to experience what it is like to be driving on Highway 1 or walking over the crooked street at SFO?


h3. Facetime with another parent
h4. Personal Details

* 47 years old, mother
* lives in Pune, India
* has never been to US before
* has not travelled to any other country
* has her one child studying in US
* lives with her other two children

h4. Context

* prefers to talk over webcam/facetime instead of phone call
* wants to see her son's face while talking
* often asks her son to show the office, dorm through the phone camera 
* interested in seeing the place where her son lives.
* likes video over phone because she feels more closer to her son

h4. Breakdowns/Workarounds{color:#000000} {color}

* often difficult to get sense of things through phone camera
* feels restricted by technology, wants to feel closer to her son

h4. Opportunities

* there is an opportunity to make the communication that gives an experience of being closer.


h3. Phone call with Joy
h4. Personal Details

* 33 years old
* a resident of India
* a prof 
* planning to tour Paris with his wife
* has never been to Paris before
* has travelled to many other countries

h4. Context

* wants to plan his trip
* is taking help of a tour agent
* tour agent has given him a leaflet that has
** textual description of each trip location
** beautiful images of various landmarks
** review and comments from people

h4. Breakdowns/Workarounds{color:#000000} {color}

* he wants to get a better sense of what the trip would be like 
* he wants to take a virtual tour of various places so that he can make a better decision of which all places to go

h4. Opportunities

* the breakdowns clearly suggest that it is difficult to experience 'how a trip is going to look like' in advance and thus there is an opportunity
* we want Joy to be able to experience what different places at Paris are going to be like


h3. Phone Call With "Sara"
h4. Personal Details

* a 22-year-old student
* lived abroad in Spain for 6 months
* her parents are 50-year-old immigrants from South Korea 
* her parents live in the U.S.

h4. Context

* Parents feel concerned about their daughter living abroad.
* Sara wants to show parents that she lives in a safe place.
* Sara wants to show her parents landmarks from her stay so that they can connect together different stories she has told them.

h4. Breakdowns/Workarounds

* Some images of Sara's trip are available on social networking sites (Facebook), however: 
** most of these aren't relevant to the details Sara's parents are interested in.
** hard to establish relationships between pictures if you haven't visited the place; no continuity.

h4. Opportunities

* a better way to communicate about the neighborhood

h2. {color:#660000}User Groups{color}

Based on our interviews, we have divided it in two broad groups. We will be focussing on #1.

# People back home
## Parents 
## Relatives
## Friends
## Tourists (planning a tour)
# People living abroad
## Visitors
## Students 
## Professionals
## Tour Guides

h2. User Goals

# *Parent, relatives, and friends back home* _(we would be focussing on the goals related to this user group specifically)_
## Experience the place where their children/relatives/friends are living
## Recreate the narrative of stories with immersive visual representation
# People Living Abroad:
## ability to share experience in a visual way
# Tourists
## experience what the tour is going to look like beforehand
# Tour Guides
## ability to better convey the tour experience to prospective tourists