RISG - 12/17/08
Peter Cohn, Remlee Green (chair), Bill Helman, Nicole Hennig (guest), Lisa Horowitz, Angie Locknar, Heather McCann, Georgiana McReynolds (minutes), Anita Perkins, Mark Szarko
Research Guides - Lisa
Lisa led the discussion about the Research Guide pages. She pointed out some issues that need to be addressed:
- Subject guides are hidden on Research Guide pages.
- It's not clear if links will take you to a LibGuide page or subject guide page; hard to tell which page is more extensive.
- Use of subject guides is not consistently done across all Research Guide pages.
- Database links on some subject pages are broken.
- Some links to subject pages on LibGuide pages are broken.
- List of subject names may not adequately describe content of pages. Additional factors to consider:
- What is the best approach to edit and maintain the pages?
- Should RISG have responsibility for maintenance of the pages in conjunction with subject specialists? Actonitems:
- RISG should work closely with UIG to follow best practices for the WEB.
- RISG should sponsor additional LibGuide sessions to help clarify existing LibGuides guidelines.
- Nicole suggested that a project be formed to look at the Research Guide pages and perhaps merge the subject guide pages as tabs on the LibGuide pages. Usability testing results - Nicole
Nicole led the discussion on the results of the latest Usability Tests for Vera Multi-Search, Research Guides, and Worldcat Local. Detailed information is available at
- RISG members should bring the information back to local units.
- Nicole will work with RISG on web management and developing the best way to use web contacts. She offered the possibility that a different type of contact person might be needed.
- Review LibGuide procedures and guidelines. Make sure guidelines include how to handle subpages. Nicole will work with Marion to create a web page checklist. Reference Statistics - RISG sub-group (Bill, Heather, Lisa, Remlee)
Members of the sub-group led the discussion on when and how to collect reference statistics.
- Only collect stats on reference questions 4 times per year.
- Focus assessment energy on one or two qualitative assessments of reference each year, depending on need.
- Begin new procedures in July.
Several products were demoed as possible methods for collecting statistics. None of them are completely satisfactory. Bill or Remlee will send Georgiana an output file from one of the products in order to explore reporting formats in BrioQuery.