Before week 1
Intro night
Week 1
Week 2
(and all weeks after) A typical week
After week 1: Attendance and other forms of Data
Week 2 or 3 email with resources
Sell subscriptions to people
Week 3
Week 4
Week 5
Class should pair with club.
- Online resources (current list):
- Definitions for every week are available at: - Callerlab (a professional organization that supports our activity)
also maintains "official" definitions on their website at: - TAMinations (a great site with animations of individual square
dance calls): (or new Android app) - And there's another page of animations here:
- Definitions for every week are available at:
- Things you can do to prepare for the next class (Benji's suggestions?)
- Look at the list of definitions from the first class. For each call, decide whether you end up facing the same direction, turned 90 degrees (left or right?), or turned 180 degrees. Sometimes the right answer is "it depends"!
- Make flash cards for the calls you have learned so far: name of the call on one side, definition on the other. You can also include your answers to #1.
- Look at the definitions for week 2. When I was taking the class, I found it easier to learn the new calls each week if I'd read the definitions in advance.
Week 2 - subscription buying;
Adding new people week 2?
Figuring out how to deal with gender imbalance in the class
Send status report to officers: How many in class, how many are MIT students, how they are doing, how many have dropped out since first class, etc. Ask for feedback on individual class members who are having trouble. If you aren't sure of how someone is doing, ask a club member to dance with that person and give you feedback (all this can be done via email and the officers' list).
Week 6
week 6 start to organize class dance
week before break- tell class that's it's a review week (don;t use those words) but that they should still come
Week 7:
Have a preliminary talk with Ted and officers about graduation prospects of class members.
Week 10: Schedule an open EC meeting to make the graduation list.
(week before review week) Remind people that the next week will not contain new calls, but don't use the term review
Start planning the class dance; it should occur after week 8 or 9
Review week
If Passover conflicts with the teaching week on one side or other of spring break, consider teaching those calls during spring break as well.
Week 7
Talk to Ted and officers about who should graduate
Week 8
Week 9
Week 10
Tell the class about the New England convention as applicable.
Hold an open EC meeting to determine the graduation list.
Email the Email club about badge order.
If there's a an upcoming Saturday dance upcoming, consider advertising advertise it to the class.
advertise new england convention if applicable
Class Dance
Week 11
Week 12
Send the graduation list and statistics to officers
Week 13
Graduation & Post-Graduation Checklistsconflicts with passover -teach during spring break as well
Liasing with publicity: You should make sure that when dances are/ which night is intro night & which night is graduation get into announcements. Some CCs like to tell the club to bring refreshments and explicitly tell the club not the flourish and then which flourishes have been taught. Frankly, I don't think this is necessary, but some people do anyway.
Stuff about the class dance
Week 12;
- Send status report to officers: How many in class, how many graduating, names of graduates, etc.
Update tech squares website & cross link anything useful that's there.