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All the metadata in Madrigal can be browsed in this section.  Briefly glance at each option.  The Filter String metadata is information only needed when users are writing advanced scripts to download data.

Run Models
  1. Choose Run Models->Run Madrigal derivation engine. This page allows user to directly run the Madrigal derivation engine.  Use this page to calculate the shadow height (SDWHT) in the Geographic Coordinate parameters section, and magnetic field vector (BN,BE,BD) parameters from the Magnetic Coordinate parameters section.  Look at a single point 1000 km directly above PFISR (lat 65.130, lon -147.471) at 2007-03-27 12:00:00 UT.
  2. The Run models -> looker section is optional.  This section derivers parameters that depend on a look direction, such as would be relevant to radar measurements.
  3. The Run models -> ISR empirical models section allows you to run an empirical model to predict the conditions around a number of ISR radars.  Try it by clicking Run under Millstone Hill Radar Models. Leave all defaults, and select RUN.  Select "Local time Variation" and click "generate plots".