Pictures and Blogs
Elizabeth Kendall - SRI -
Anja Stromme - SRI -
Anthea Coster - MIT -
Philip Erickson - MIT -
Joshua Semeter - Boston University -
Michael Nicolls - SRI -
Bill Rideout - MIT -
Juha Vierinen - MIT -
Thomas Ulich - SGO -
Endawoke Yizengaw - Boston College -
Sunday, July 28
Students and staff arrive
Staff in lobby to hand out packets and answer questions until ~20:00
Dinner available at Hawthorne Suites 17:30-19:30
Monday, July 29
08:30 Welcome (NSF, Phil Erickson, Elizabeth Kendall)
Introduction of participants and instructors (Elizabeth Kendall)
Addressing computer needs and other logistics (Phil Erickson, Bill Rideout, Anthea Coster)
09:30 Introduction to the ionosphere (Elizabeth Kendall)
10:15 BREAK
10:45 Basic Radar 1 (Anthea Coster)
11:30 Incoherent scatter radar theory 1 (Anja Stromme)
12:15 Lunch
13:30 Incoherent scatter radar theory 1 continued (Anja Stromme)
14:00 The NSF Upper Atmosphere Facilities program (Anja Stromme)
14:30 Madrigal database and group work (Bill Rideout)
18:30 BBQ Dinner
Tuesday, July 30
08:00 Breakfast
08:30 Basic Radar 2 (Josh Semeter)
09:15 Incoherent scatter radar theory 2 (includes part 2 and 3) (Phil Erickson)
10:00 BREAK
10:30 Incoherent scatter radar theory 3 (Phil Erickson and Josh Semeter)
11:15 Data analysis and fitting 1 (Mike Nicolls)
12:00 Lunch
13:30 Experiment Design (Anja Stromme)
Download and bcotable.txt into the same directory.
From that directory, run python
You may need to click on the window with an image of the Poker Flat beam map to bring it to the foreground.
Click on any bean to get its beam code, azimuth and elevation.
14:15 BREAK
14:45 Experiment Design (group work)
18:15 Deadline to submit group experiments
18:30 Dinner
20:00 Elective: MIT IAP Laptop Radar discussion and demonstration (Phil Erickson)
Wednesday, July 31
08:00 Breakfast
08:30 Pitfalls in geophysical data: dealing with errors (Thomas Ulich)
09:15 Incoherent scatter radar spectrum (Juha Vierinen)
10:00 BREAK
10:30 Data analysis and fitting 2 (Phil Erickson)
11:00 Phased array radars (Mike Nicolls)
11:45 Science applications of ISR data (Josh Semeter)
12:30 Lunch
13:30 Retrieve radar data and start to work on group assignments
18:30 Dinner
20:30 Shuttle
Thursday, August 1
08:00 Breakfast
08:30 Incoherent scatter radar history (Anja Stromme and Phil Erickson)
09:00 Ethiopian Space Science (Endawoke Yizengaw)
09:30 Question and Answer Session
10:15 BREAK
10:45 SuperDARN overview (Phil Erickson)
11:30 EISCAT 3D (Thomas Ulich)
12:15 Lunch
14:00 Work on assignments and presentations
18:30 Dinner
20:30 Shuttle
Friday, August 2
08:00 Breakfast
08:30 Student presentations
10:30 BREAK
11:00 Student presentations
12:30 Lunch
14:00 Student presentations
14:30 Conclusions and Closing Discussions
17:00 Dinner
18:00 Shuttle
Saturday, August 3
Breakfast available at Hawthorne Suites