We are working on the release of RAFT II. This is a major release. This checklist tracks is the current release path of RAFT II to the service operations, primarily from the Business Intelligence development team to Customer Support, Training, and Server & System Administration. Change Management - Enter release date, and other significant dates, on Change Communications Calendar.
- Exchange resource name: IS&T: Change Communications
- When these dates change, communicate to ist-pipeline list.
- This has not been done in a while, dates have changed a lot.
- Planned major milestones recorded on wiki home page.
This documentation is for planning the release of RAFT PhII to the support areas of IS&T. Other parts of the project plan and implementation details that are not relevant to support teams should go elsewhere. ChecklistNot in order of priority or chronology yet. From Resources - Enter release date on Change Communications Calendar or email dates to release-core@mit.edu.
- If you require a custom installer, complete SWRT's Installer Support Request Form at least two week prior to release.
- Complete Release-Decision Template.
- Form release team.
From Impact (including high-impact items though this project really doesn't rate) - Create/update portfolio listing (TBD).
- Place release date on Change Communications Calendar or email dates to release-core@mit.edu.
- Send announcement and change log to releaseist-core@mitpipeline@mit.edu, stakeholder list once release is complete.
- Update any known open issues (Jira, Request Tracker) affected by release and close.
- Search http://ist.mit.edu and http://kb.mit.edufor any articles that would be invalidated by release and update as needed. Contact istweb@mit.edu if you are not sure how to update this documentation.
- Contact IS&T Communications for public release announcement.
- If sending outside of IS&T, send draft release announcement to IS&T communications team at least 2 business days prior to release.
- If actual dates do not match previously expected dates, update calendar.
- Contact help desk at inception to determine proper level engagement.
- Contact training at inception to determine proper level engagement.
- Contact documentation at inception to determine proper level engagement.
- Contact key stakeholders at inception to determine proper level engagement.
- Inform ist-pipeline@mit.edu, pipeline of release at least 1 business day prior to release.
- Consider how to support early adopters or pilot users, phase out current version?
- Pilot release in May, community release in June. Still no hard transition plan for RAFT I users?
- Review need to de-support of previous version(s).
- Discuss release with DITR.
- Contact production@mit.edu to schedule publication of software grid to coincide with sending of release announcement.
- Inform release-core@mit.edu of release at least 1 business day prior to release.
- Send software grid revision to production@mit.edu for review at least 1 business day prior to release.
- Execute (Send announcement, post software for download, etc.)
- Contact DLCs at inception to determine proper level engagement
- Contact Testing & QA at inception to determine proper level engagement
- Contact User Experience at inception to determine proper level engagement
- Consider how to support early adopters
- Create communication plan
From Risk - Search http://ist.mit.eduand
Image Removed http://kb.mit.edufor Image Removed any articles that would be invalidated by release and update as needed. Contact istweb@mit.edu if you are not sure how to update this documentation. - If posting new software, contact the Software Release Team to ensure that previous and new versions are archived in their definitive software library.
- Test software on all supported operating systems.
- Create testing plan.
NotesWe are a pilot for IS&T's product-release checklist. We used it as a base for this plan though it was developed for distributed/desktop release. Notes for Release-Core. Product-Release Checklist. You might not have authorizations to view the release-core wiki. Based on this system's criteria, RAFT is Resources: Moderate, Community Impact: Moderate, and Risk to IS&T: High. - , communications to current users.
- Create communication plan, based on stakeholders identified in prior steps.
Configuration Management - Critical Path: Need stable test environment!
- Migrating from RAFT I environments to new, clean VMs for RAFT II
- raft-test in place, needs PHP downgrade?
- raft-r1, new raft production, does not exist yet.
- Await decision on budget for drupal-based online help systems. bi-help-dev installed on temporary system so documenation staff can begin work.
- Update datacenter SLAs with technical, financial, business contact information.
Release and Deployment Management - OLA: business-support team engagement, OLA in development: Service Levels Development
- Developing blanket OLA between business-support and Business Intelligence team.
- Code management/versioning and continuous integration plan with release engineer. Deploy from Bamboo or directly from SVN.
Evaluation and Testing - See "evaluators" list at right. Responsible parties for internal evaluation. Must sign off. Second architecture review still required by this group.
- Input and sign-off by Usability Team: Usability & Accessibility Reports.
- Stakeholder committee schedule in place, core business users signed up for rolling usability-test plan.
- BI Team to provide smoke-test/system health page for Customer Support?
- business-help and business-intelligence teams to perform smoke tests for every patch or update during burn-in period (six week from go-live).
Knowledge Management - Training Plan
- Training mutual venture of SE Training team and COUES Training team.
- Training curriculum, work with Training to ramp-up Help Desk (business-support).
- Online Help: SE Training, Mark Wiklund.
- Develop RAFT escalation scripts from Tier 2 (business-support) and Tier 3 (raft-support). Support Escalations Outline