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NumberTitleActionAdditional Information
1Assignment Filter
  • Filters assignments table.
2Settings Link
  • Link to the Settings page.
3View / Hide Categories
  • Toggles the Category Table.
  • Working with Categories.

Add Assignment

  • Adds an Assignment
5All Assignment View
  • Display the All Assignments View.
6Export / Import Menu
  • Toggle import / export drop down:
    1. Download Assignments Overview XLS
    2. Upload Assignments Overview CSV
  • Exporting and Importing
7Expanded / Compact View
  • Toggle the expanded and compacted views.
8Assignment State Filter
  • Filter assignments by state:
    1. To be Graded - display assignments with ungraded students.
    2. To be Approved - display assignments with unapproved grades.
    3. Completed - display assignments where all grades have been 
      entered and approved.
    4. Deleted (if applicable) - display deleted assignments.
9Delete / Edit an Assignment
  • Delete an assignment.
  • Edit an assignment.

Adding an Assignment

For more in-depth information on adding assignments and the different assignment types, see Working with Assignments (NEW UI).

There are three types of assignments: Graded, Homework, and Mixed.

 GradedStudent Submissions


  1. Click Image Added(4). The Add Assignment form will display.
  2. Fill in the Add Assignment form:

Deck of Cards
label1. General

Image Added

Required fields are marked with *

    1. Name- the name of the assignment.
    2. Summary - the assignment summary.
    3. Due Date-the date the assignment is due.
    4. Category-the assignments category. See Working with Categories.

Click Image Added

To move onto the next portion of the add assignment form, click the 2. Graded link above.

label2. Grading

Image Added

Required fields are marked with *

    1. Grading Scheme- how the assignment will be graded.
      1. Numeric - assignment willbe graded numerically.
      2. Letter - assignment will be graded using letter grades. See Grading Schemes.
    2. Max Points* -The maximum amount of points a student can receive. Only applicable when the grading scheme is numeric.
    3. All Graders to View - when checked, assignment will be visible to graders.

3. Click Image Added


Editing and Deleting Assignments
