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Wiki Markup
h1. Modeling Introductory Mechanics

 David E. Pritchard, Analia Barrantes, and Andrew Pawl

h2. Welcome to An experimental physics textbook by the {color:#000099}RE{color}search in {color:#000099}L{color}earning, {color:#000099}A{color}ssessing, and {color:#000099}T{color}utoring {color:#000099}E{color}ffectively ([RELATE|]) physics research textbookgroup\! 

h4. The goal of this textbook is to teach you a new way to think, to allow you to share your insights and questions (it is a WIKI) and to evaluate a modeling approach to teaching introductory physics.

Physics will ask you to:
* Look at the world through the lenses of simple mathematical models that shed light on the underlying symmetriespatterns and interactions in nature.
* Develop a facility in using these models to solve problems with real-world applications - both quantitatively and qualitatively.
* Learn how to check your solutions to problems against the assumptions of the modelsfor reasonableness to develop confidence and further your understanding.

h4. The form of this textbook will allow for student contributions.

 Certain content areas will allow you to make contributions of your own.  
{note}Before contributing, please read the RELATE wiki *[copyright and waiver]*.

h2. Table of Contents 


h2. Popular Content


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