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Invitation to artists to sign up for a performance (sent by Performing Arts Director at the beginning of the semester)

Greetings Artists Beyond the Desk,

Happy New Year! I am pleased to inform you that dates are confirmed for Artists Beyond the Desk events this Spring 2013. The following dates are available for performances on Tuesdays at noon in Killian Hall (please note that performances will be held on Tuesdays this spring because Killian was unavailable on Wednesdays):

February 12

March 12

April 9

May 7

May 21

To apply for a performance date, fill out the form at Please indicate your first, second and third choices. If you have any questions, feel free to include them in the online form or contact me.

Thank you.

Lauren on behalf of the ABD committee


Invitation to Perform (sent by Performing Arts Director when setting the schedule)

Dear Rachel,

Thanks for your interest in performing for Artists Beyond the Desk! I have scheduled you for the April 23 performance. 

When you have a chance, could you send us a short blurb describing your performance so we can add it to the ABD website? If you have a publicity photo you'd like us to use, please send that as well. Will you need a piano for your performance? We will be in touch to finalize performance details as your show gets closer.

Thanks, and we're looking forward to it!


Lauren on behalf of ABD


General Reminder (sent by Performing Arts Director a few weeks before event)

Wiki Markup
Hi \[name\], 

Wiki Markup
AThis is a reminder that your ABD Concert is soon approaching. \[Name\] will be Event -Day Manager on \[date\].
Wiki Markup
His/her e-mail address is \[email\]. 

Wiki Markup
Our PRPublicity Director, \[name\]Gracie Dorneus ( will prepare your program and design a poster.
Wiki Markup
 Please e-mail your program to \[email\]Gracie on or before \[date one week before concert\]. S/heShe will send you a draft for your approval before it goes to print by CopyTech.  PostersABD will bepost postedthe andposters mailed in advance by ABDaround campus. 

Wiki Markup
let me know what you will need from Audio Visual.  AV will record your concert and you will receive a copy of the CD. 
 let \[Name of A/V volunteer\] know what you will need from Audio Visual.  A/V will audio record your concert and you will receive a copy of the CD. \[We will arrange to have the piano in Killian tuned on the morning of the performance -- only include if they are using the piano.\]

Wiki Markup
ABD will cover up to two parking permits for guests. Please contact \[Parking volunteer\] to request parking permits.
ABD will cover up to two parking permits for guests. 

Your event is already on the MIT Calendar Page. 

Please let me know if you have any questions. On behalf of the ABD Committee, we are looking forward to your event.


Poster and Final Details (sent by Publicity Director)

Wiki Markup
Dear \[name\],

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Attached is the poster announcing your ABD Event on \[date\] for you to post and give to some of your colleagues and friends.  I hope everyone can attend. 

ABD posted 100 posters throughout MIT on Friday, 11/06/2009.  Your event is also on the MIT Calendar, and on a PowerPoint slide-show with Audio Visualwill be advertised on MIT’s Infinite Display.  The WGSSI and ALL all Support Staff all received your event notification via e-mail. Please confirm that you received the two parking vouchers

Wiki Markup
Audio Visual will record your recital. Killian Hall will be open at \[time\] so that you can warm up and AVA/V can set-up.  Your performance can start at 12:00 Noon or 12:05 PM \-\- your choice. 
